Living in Canada-GMcCarty

One place that would be fun to live in is Canada. I’ve always wanted to visit Canada and see all the pretty sights! Looking at a Physical map there looks like there are many oceans, bays, and rivers! I’m not sure what the weather is like in Canada but I think it’s cold most of the time. You probably wouldn’t want to swim but it could be fun to go on walks. There is a show I watch and they film it in Canada. It looks so nice and seems like a great town. Just looking at pictures all the land forms look beautiful. It would be fun to go on adventures with you family, friends, and pets. Three places that would be fun to visit is Toronto, Vancouver, and Niagara Falls! If you lived there you could do so many fun things! If the weather is cold you might want jackets, pants, hot chocolate, and you might want to stay warm inside. If it’s warm you could go to one of the lakes, bays or oceans. It would be a great adventure to live in Canada.

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