Living in California-CHunsecker

To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.

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