Living in Japan

This is by Sean Skinner. Japan in a country off the east coast of Asia, the biggest continent. Living in Japan would be different from living in the U.S. I would have to learn a new language, and learn new customs. I would first learn to speak Japanese, which would take me years. Japanese is one of the most complicated languages to learn. But if I focused enough, I could do it. Next, I would learn to know and respect Japanese culture. Japanese culture is very different from American culture. It’d probably take me a couple months to get used to, but I’m fine with that. I love how in Japan, there is so much respect for each other, and nobody is left behind. It’s really sweet. I would also need to learn to enjoy Japanese food. I wonder how much they eat rice, because I love rice of any kind. I would also need to learn to like seafood, which would be very hard for me, as I do not like seafood.

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