Jacob Bramm



Describe what life is like during the wet season. Support your answer with facts from the text.


In the wet season life is hard, but fun for people. It is hard for people because houses are underwater, schools are underwater, school playgrounds are underwater, and soccer fields are underwater too. It is hard for the people who have their houses floating on the water because they have to worry that their houses will not float away. It is also hard because it rains every single day, not all day, but every day. It is also hard for them because they have to take canoes to school. Little girls play with camens (a type of crocodile), not dolls.  It is fun for them because they get to go in a canoe  and see the pink dolphins that live in a pond that is bigger than 1,000 football fields.



How do dolphins echolocate, and what is the reason they do it.


Dolphins echolocate by sending off a clicking sound, when they do this it hits something and comes back to them and tells them what is in front of them. They do this because it allows them to see the animal in a three-dimensional shape and to see the insides of them. They also do this because it allows them to know how big the thing is that is in front of them.



Based on evidence from the text, what are some physical characteristics that make pink dolphins unique?


One thing that is unique about the pink dolphin is that they are pink. Pink dolphins are also unique because they are very flexible and can do a dolphin doughnut.  Because of the flexibility that hey have they can swim in shallow waters. They have really big front flippers on them. When the dolphins are stuck these flippers come in very handy. They can even use these flippers to crawl. Sometimes the dolphins sleep upside down like a dead fish.




Why is it so difficult to see pink dolphins? Cite as many reasons as you can read in the text.


It is hard to see them because when they are the top of the water it looks like it is a reflection in the water. They are also hard to see because whenever you go to look the way that they are they quick turn away back into the water.  You are only able to see glimpses of the dolphins. It is also very hard to see them because the water is very dark from the reflection of the leaves.




Why are pink dolphins thought to be mysterious? Cite some of their behaviors and characteristics from the text.


They are mysterious because scientists do not know why they sleep upside down. Scientists also do not know why they do dolphin doughnuts sometimes. They twist through the trees that are under the water in the lake that they live in. They used their front flippers to crawl sometimes too. They are also mysterious because the water is dark , you are not able to see which way that the dolphins are going. You also would not know what they are eating.




Do you think encantado is a good name for the Amazon river dolphin? Why or why not? Use evidence from the text to support your opinion.


Yes. I think it is a good name for it because I know that encantado means “enchanted” and I think that the Pink dolphin is enchanted because it can do things that other dolphins can not do. One of the things that they can do is a dolphin doughnut. Another thing that they can do is sleep upside down.