Mystery in The Woods

                             By Sarah and Jacob


On the night July 25 1999 a loud scream was heard in the woods, that next day a girl named Mimi Byebye mysteriously went missing and no one knew why.The next night one other girl disappeared mysteriously like the first one. That Night not a single person that lived near the woods could sleep, because of the sound that the thing made it sounded like “Growl Growl Growl Growl.”

The next morning nobody went out of their house. They did not even go to the grocery store. This went on forever.  

One year later someone decided to call somebody. The people they called was Bob and Billy the detectives. and they went into the woods. The detectives did not find anything in the woods.

That night they tried again. They heard weird noises that night.Then bob said “I think I see something over there by that tree.” They walked towards that tree, and Saw two humongous lizards they were komodo dragons. As soon as they saw them they ran out of the woods as fast as they could because they thought the two lizards were dragons. But then they saw two girls chained to the ground.then one of them said”beware go to town warn all the girls NOT GO BY THE WOODS. for we have been taken and now in the underground lair of the spirit of the woods JACK SPARROW. no girl shall set foot in the forest for they will suffer the same fate.”then as sudden as they came they left. they did not know that they were the girls that went missing.

The next night they went back in the woods to see if there were any other people in the woods. They were hoping to see the girls to tell them to get out of the woods. After they had looked for the girls again and had failed they told all the girls in the town to not go near the woods.

THE GIRLS IN THE WOODS WERE Never seen again, and no girl was harmed again either.