I Have a Dream                          

Jacob Bramm

I have a dream just like Martin Luther King did. I will make the black be able to have better job than they are able to now. And with those better jobs they will be payed the same as the white are payed. The homeless people who have no money will get homes that they will be able to get for free. The homeless people will also get a well paying job. The hungry will get food. the poor will become just as rich as everybody else who has what they need. The people without good running water will get fresh clean water. The people with no money and have nothing will get anything that they need for free. Such as food, water, shelter, free dentist appointments, and even free doctor visits. When I say people will get what they need mean it. Black will have peace where there is no peace. There will be no shooting the black. There will be no hurting the black just because they look like they are bad. There will be no killing people at all. Although this may never happen, It is still my dream