Blog goals for 2016.

1) What do you want to accomplish?
2) What stories would you like to add to or change?
3) Who would you like to connect with?                                                                                                                                           4) When making a new connection with another blogger what do you want to come from your communication with them?                                                                                                                                                                                                       5) How can you become a better communicator?                                                                                                                             6) What was your favorite part about blogging last year?                                                                                                               7) What are some areas you feel you could improve upon when it comes to blogging in 2016.

One thing I definitely want to accomplish is getting more people to come to my blog. One of the stories I want to change is A Day on The Farm. I would like to connect with a boy named Tyler. I want more comments on my blog from him. I can become a better communicator by writing better comments on other peoples blogs. My favorite part about blogging last was that I had time to free write. One area I think that I can improve on is making better and more entertaining stories that I write in my free time. Another area I feel I can work on is writing better comments to people. Those are my goal for 2016.