Jacob’s Way of Celebrating Christmas


When it comes to Christmas time my family usually gets our Christmas tree around Christmas eve, but before we get our tree we do a poliana thing. What we do for that is we write all the names on a piece of paper and we fold them up and pick out of a hat. Then whoever you get you have to buy a gift for them. This year I got my Mom. Then we always decorate our Christmas tree then with a lot of decorations. Then on Christmas eve my Mom makes cookies. She also makes eggnog. I think eggnog is very good.

Then on Christmas day we all come out of our rooms and look under the tree at all the gifts. We usually do youngest first (witch is me). Then when we are all done opening all of our gifts, my Mom lets us play with the things that we got. Then we always go to my Mom-Mom’s house and get more gifts there. (I do not  know why, but they really load us up with gifts). Then we go to our Gramma’s and get gifts there too. So on Christmas we really have a lot of presents. We also have a lot of fun on Christmas.
