• How many posts did you write? 23
  • How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge? 21
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students? 23
  • Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened? 4
  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why? A Day on The Farm
  • Did you change blog themes at all and why? No
  • How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough? 7
  • How many overseas students do you have on your blogroll? 22
  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog? Pixabay


My Audit of The First 5 Months of The School Year

So far this year went pretty… AWESOME. I really like the way we blog. I think it is really fun how we are blogging. I like that we can write something about anything we want to in our free time. So far this year I have made 23 posts. I also have 23 comments on my blog. About 85% of all my posts are school related. There has been 22 oversea comments. My most popular post was Helping Hand Monkeys. I have gotten 4 comments on that post. I think it happened because my partner and I worked together and it is very informative. So far this year I have never changed my theme on my blog because I really like the theme on my blog. Also so far this year I have only had 7 widgets. I do not like that because I think that a little more widgets would make my blog a little more interesting. There is not to many web tools that I used, but one of them is Pixabay. I also used Compfight. That is my blog audit for this year so far.