Jacob's Blog



December 2015


NFL FOOTBALL CHAPTER 1   I know that there are 32 teams in the NFL (National Football League). My favorite NFL team is the DENVER BRONCOS. The reason I like this team is because my family likes them and Peyton… Continue Reading →


PHILADELPHIA ——————— PHILLIES Chapter 1   I have heard of many different types of baseball teams. They all seem to be pretty good teams to me. But there is only one team that I like the most, PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES. The… Continue Reading →

Jacob’s Way of Celebrating Christmas

Jacob’s Way of Celebrating Christmas   When it comes to Christmas time my family usually gets our Christmas tree around Christmas eve, but before we get our tree we do a poliana thing. What we do for that is we… Continue Reading →

Migrating Birds

My Audit of The First 5 Months of The School Year

How many posts did you write? 23 How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge? 21 How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students? 23 Which post received the most comments?… Continue Reading →

Luke Howard And His Achievements

Luke Howard And His Achievements By Sarah and Jacob My name is Luke Howard, I named the clouds. Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus, Nimbus. Here is a list of what they mean. Cirrus means a curl of hair. Stratus means a layer…. Continue Reading →

Sarah and Jacob’s Persuasive Essay

Our Nation, Rainbow Falls          By Sarah and Jacob I think that you should visit Rainbow Falls because it a fun place to go to so come on I will take you on a tour, and you will see why I… Continue Reading →

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