Mrs. Noyes’ Language Arts

April/May: Students are learning about the life cycle and needs of monarch butterflies. Mrs. Lenahan shared a presentation with us about monarchs and a project she was involved with last summer. She gave each students some milkweed seeds. Here are the directions for preparing them for planting…they need 30 days of cold:



In Reading, we will review and practice using the reading strategies of making predictions, asking questions, monitoring and clarifying our understanding, and summarizing.

Students should be reading for 15 minutes at home every day.  It is helpful if some days two minutes of that reading is aloud to someone to help with pronunciation of new words they encounter, and with expression. If your child resists reading, try a different genre.  They are not required to read a certain type of book.  They can read magazines, encyclopedias, newspaper articles…anything that interests them.

Your child will have a list of Spelling words in their agenda. Students are studying word spelling patterns. As they learn the patterns, they can apply the patterns as they write. Our spelling tests will usually be on Fridays. We will practice the spelling patterns throughout the week, and students will be expected to use correct spellings of these words in their future writing.



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