Career Story

Wyatt “s job


I am a long distance truck driver.  


I am heading to New orleans when I jackknifed my truck and my truck blew up.


I jumped out of the truck because it was on fire . I Felt heat from the motor.

I heard crackling from the truck. The fire burning.  It crackle.  I saw fire burning the truck. I  saw the tires mal ting. I smelled rubber burning and it stinks. I smelled the wires burning, tasted the smell of the  fuel burning. I tas ted a rubber like feeling in my mouth.


I called the tire department. It was a total loss !  I was driving a long and a car cut me off .  I ran into the quad rail, I busted through it. Then my trucle fell off the cliff. It was totaled. I ended up  with two broken legs and two broken  arms. I heard crackling and banking sounds KABORV !! Really sad and mad .  I called the tow truck and firefighters .  I saw branches flying as my truck rolled down the hill .


Everything was flying everywhere . The tow truck driver pulled my truck up out of the w


oods. Parts of the truck were flying all over the place as they were hitting me .


I just stopped and stared.  I smelled smoke and burning rubber .

I tasted dirt. Smoke and a rubbery taste .


I went to the insurance company, and they gave me money to replace my truck . My new truck was made of gold . Priceless !! It cost two billion dollars . I Felt broke ! I was broke ! Time to start trucking again .


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