
Todd went straight to Doug when a whole lot of fish went missing. He did that because Doug has a notebook full of facts and he solved that mystery in the end of the book. Also because he is a good dective.

Eiffel Tower on its Side

Hi my name is Emily and I am I am 10 years old. I was born in Europe and when I was 2 we moved to Paris. I don’t really remember that much about Europe. One year ago people who stepped directly under the Eiffel tower they would disappear. We thought people were just joking around but then when we couldn’t find them for a month we started to wonder where they went.

Then we called the police and when they came one of them stepped right where people keep disappearing. When they saw that then they put a rope that had a note on it that said get everybody to hold on to the rope and once they are holding on wiggle the rope then we will pull you out.

Once the rope wiggled everybody grabbed the rope and pulled. It took us 10 minutes to get them out. When they were out we asked them where they went and they said we went into the future and it was was horrible the Eiffel Tower was on the ground and it was trashed. It turns out that it was a invisible portal that takes you into the future of where you’re standing.

The Incredible Bell

I think that he dogs master intrest in everything was how he got famous because like it says in the story if he had not expermented with his piano as a boy he would not have known about vibrations if he had not known about vibrations he would not have tried to make the Harmonic Telegraph if he did not create that he would not have made the mistake that lead to the telephone.

The Case Of The Driverless Car



One day I was playing in my yard and then a car came by with a kid in the back but there was no driver. “How was that possible?”I wondered. I wish I had that car. Is there a way to get a driverless car? If there is I want one.

The next day (which was Monday) when my parents got home they went into the kitchen and shut the door.when they came out my moms eyes were red. “What is wrong?” I said quietly. “We have something to tell you” They said when they came out.

They took me into the living room and sat me down. They said that my dad got fired and tomorrow he was going to look for a new job. “So he might be home when I get home tomorrow!” I said. “He might” they said. “Yay!” I said.

The next day when my mom came home her eyes were red. “Oh-no” I said. “Now did you get fired too?” I asked. “Yes” she said sadly. “But how are we going to pay the rent by tomorrow?” I asked. “We’ll find some money I guess” dad said.

On Wednesday my mom drove me to school because she had a job interview at 9 o’clock. When I got home my mom had baked cupcakes. “Why did you bake cupcakes?” I said. “I got a job!” mom said.” “Yay” I said. “Who are you going to work for?” I asked. “Toyota” she said.

The next day when I was playing in the yard I saw that car again only this time it didn’t have a kid in it.the next day when my mom came home she had two cars. “Where did you get the other car?” I said. “For Toyota we are working on a driverless car and all of us get to take one home to see how it works and to see how we could modify it to make customers happier.” “Oh that’s why I saw a car with no drive on Sunday and today I wondered why they looked similar.” That is The Case Of The Driverless Car and how it was solved.

Where Is Elfie

One day when they were doing a test run  Elfie fell out of the sleigh and fell into East Earl. When Elfie fell in to East Earl he fell right into a house when one of the kids woke up and saw Elfie she took a picture of him to show him to her friends. When she took the picture he fell in love with pictures,because of that she started calling him selfie Elfie.

She gave Elfie her phone to play a game on and he kept taking pictures of him self. She had to yank her phone out of Elfie’s hands and she took out the batery and she hid her phone and the batery so he woulden’t take any more selfies. Finally her parents came downstairs and saw Elfie.

They asked her who is he? She said he is an elf named Elfie that needed to get to the North Pole before Christmas. They said that they could fly Elfie to the North Pole but there are no planes that go to go to the North Pole. So they are going to drive him to the North Pole. THey said I have to come along! It was a very long trip with Elfie trying to get my phone, talking nonstop, and having to have like 100 stops to go to the bathroom. Now to go back. at least Elfie wasn’t coming along.

Great Grand And Wonderful Gymnastics

My favorite after school activty that I do is gymnastics. It is my favorite thing because it is the only thing that I do after school and I love it. My teachers are really funny and make it really fun to do gymnastics, they make every thing fun. they make it so I never want to miss one class. That is why gymnastics is my avorite after school activity.

Forever Books

My favorite book has to be Ramona’s  World. It is a book about Ramona going into 5th grade and meating a girl nammed Daisy. She goes over to Daisy’s house a couple of times but they don’t all go that well.

Flying Things In The Sky

When I look up in the sky I see little shiny sparkling dots And a big thing that looks like a pie with lots of whipped cream. It all looks like the whipped cream fell of the pie and scattered across the sky.

Luke Howard

Luke Howard nammed the clouds

Cirrus Cumulus Stratus

how oh how did he do it

he wrote one essay and he nammed the clouds

his names beat lots of other peoples even scientests

some of them are still used today

many people admire Luke Howard