Legacy-Blog #2

“Legacy, it’s like planting a seed in a garden that you’ll never see,” ~Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Image result for Legacy is like planting a seed in a garden you'll never see



That is a quote from the famous musical Hamilton. This is one of my favorite quotes, and its not just because Hamilton is one of my favorite musicals. I believe this quote has a very deep meaning. Some people, like the founding fathers, start somethings but never live to see it work, grow, or prosper. Many people get to see their work before they do, or they get to see it in real life, but the person who made it doesn’t get to see it at all.

Blog #1 Collabo-Blog With Sarah

Have you ever hear of the dodo bird? Well if you haven’t it’s because they’re extinct. “Why are you writing about the dodo bird,” you might ask. It’s because many other species are at risk of becoming extinct like the dodo bird.  The Dodo bird when extinct because they were over hunted, and the Dutch sailors ate them. The dodo bird is not a unique case, many animals are endanger of becoming like the dodo. A few examples are, the Asian elephant, North American right whale, marine otters, olive ridley sea turtles, and honey bees. Some ways you can help these animals are recycling, leaving a smaller carbon footprint, and donate your time to cleaning the environment.

Kat Abby and My Division Rules Rap

Kat, Abby, And Jillian’s Rap


We all know Mr. Geiman may rule

But there are other things that are cool

Like….. division rules! Yea that’s true

All you need is to keep them in your head like glue

Let’s start out easy now we’ll start out with one

One whole one part we’ve only just begun

One goes into anything anything is possible

You can do this even if you are irresponsible

like in 45 one goes in with a breeze

Now we’re gonna do 2 time to freeze

For example if it ends in 0,2,4,6,or 8 it’s easy

In 36 2 goes in 18 times yea says the genie

The rule for 3is you add the digits and it is 3,6,or 9

Now for an example like 72 you don’t need to whine

First you add the digits, they end up as 9

Mr. Lewis taught us very well the rules for 1,2,and 3

Yes he did, as you can see

1 goes into anything, 2 goes into even numbers

If it adds up to 3,6,or9 then it’s divisible by 3 it’s not a wonder


We all know Mr. Geiman may rule

But there are other things that are cool

Like….. division rules! Yea that’s true

All you need is to keep them in your head like glue

If you know these fun facts

You’ll probably end up liking kats

Now we’re going on to 5

If it ends in 0 or 5 then you automatically know, you don’t need a hard drive

All you need is your brain

Don’t go insane

For example 95 it ends in 5

So ya know it’s divisible by 5

What’s up you say! Oh yeah, we’re on to 6

You gotta know the rules for 3 and 2 to be able to know the rule for 6

The rule for 6 is really easy if it’s divisible by 2 and 3 then it’s divisible by 6

For example 36 it’s even so it’s divisible by 2 and it’s 3×12 so it’s divisible by 6


We all know Mr. Geiman may rule

But there are other things that are cool

Like….. division rules! Yea that’s true

All you need is to keep them in your head like glue


Now we’re moving on to 9

This challenge we won’t decline

For example now 27 9 goes in 3 times

It doesn’t cost a dime

Ten goes into anything that end s in 0

10, 20 and 30 are your examples

Be like a hero

Now  for a quick review

We pretty much just saved you

You need to know your division facts for any job

Yeah my name’s not Bob

1 goes into anything

2 goes into evens

3 you add them up

5 if it ends in 0 or 5

6 if 2 and 3 go into it

9 goes into it if ya add em’ up and get 9

10 if it ends in 0

Antarctic persuasive writing

Come To My Antarctic

Theme Park Today!

Come to my antarctic theme park today! You will go through all situations that you would go through if you were actually in the antarctic! You will even get the gear that you would get if you actually went to the arctic. just take a flight to Chile and the get on a boat and come to my antarctic theme park today!

No More PSSA’s

Kids shouldn’t have any more PSSA’s. They shouldn’t have any more PSSA’s because some kids aren’t on the reading level that the PSSA’s that they are giving them, They might be on a 3rd grade reading level and they might be giving them a 6th grade PSSA so they don’t understand that reading level and they blame the teacher and the teacher actually did their job because the student started out at a 1st grade reading level. They don’t understand it if they give the test to them at the level they are at.

A second reason is that the kids might have just fooled around and didn’t pay attention to the teacher ants their teached they just circle random answers so he gets like three fourths of the the questions wrong so the teachers get blamed even though they taught them everything they need to know but they don’t pay attention so they got a bad grade that reflects.

The Dragons Den Part 2

The Dragons Den:Part Two

     By: Jillian Apgar


       Kathryn Pierce


  Chapter 1

Mrs. Jones’s exciting day

Mrs. Jones was so excited her niece and nephew were both turning 10 they are twins and their birthday was one week away! Mrs Jones was going to give both of them a two headed dragon for their birthday and she was also going to give each of them a fairy. When she started to put the clay in the mold to make the dragon she smelled smoke, the dragons had set the shed on fire! She immediately called 911 but no answer! So she got to work on making water dragons it took her a whole hour to make them! When she was done the fire had gotten worse! So she then put them in a line and made them squirt out water on the fire! They were successful! It took a long time but she did it.

When Emily, Annie, and Derek got home she told them about her day and they were astonished. After Mrs. Jones told her kids about her day, she made them a quick snack and then they did their homework. When they went upstairs they went into Emily’s room and they started to plan a little party to thank there mom for saving the shed which is where they work and make things, so they were really appreciative. Then they got right to work.

They started by naming things that their mom likes. Besides them cleaning their rooms and them obeying her. Otherwise the party would be really expensive or would require lots of cooking so it looks like they were going to clean their rooms. that wasn’t hard for Emily and Annie but Derek really needed some help, so on Thursday Emily and Annie were going to help Derek clean his room.

It was going to take a while but they would make it fun! They were going to have a competition to see who could clean up the most stuff! Guess who is going to win… Probably Annie or Emily is going to win but it is for their mom. The outcome was amazing Derek actually won! It turns out that Derek just doesn’t want to clean his room but he is actually really good and fast at cleaning rooms.



Chapter Two:

        Clean Up

Mrs. Jones was neck deep in orders for dragons and fairies so she took a break and went to her sisters house to ask if she needed any help with the twins. Apparently her sister needed a lot of help with them because the party was a surprize and she needed as much distracting as possible. So Mrs. Jones took them to the park to play. While Mrs. Jones was at the park with the twins she brought Annie and Emily so if the twins go 2 directions then she has help to get them because they’re a handful.

Today the twins were actually very calm it must be because they are very excited that they are going into double digits. They stayed at the park for 5 hours! That gave Mrs. Jones children lots and lots of time to clean. But Derek was sleeping the whole time so it felt like hours to Annie and Emily because they spent 2 hours trying to get Derek to wake up and 1 hour trying to bribe fairies to help them clean.

When their mom got home the house was… well… interesting. There were fairies everywhere! Did I mention that they bribed the fairies into helping them by telling them that they could have a party in the house, well thats what they did. And the fairies way of cleaning was…kinda…well…uh…the opposite of cleaning. Now they knew why the room the fairies sleep in, is so…well…gross.  But their mom was so tired she didn’t care.

In fact when Mrs. Jones got home she fell into a deep sleep. So that gave the kids time to clean. And let me tell you there was a lot of work to do. And it didn’t help that the fairies started to mess everything up. By the time they were done cleaning it was dawn. The whole house was spotless. The fairies are really helpful…Sometimes


Chapter Three

Mrs. Jones New Job

Mrs. Jones was just getting up when she got a phone call it was from a company called Say Yes To The Dress! They wanted her to work for them on television! She had to think it over first but…she said yes. She was so excited she screamed. It was then that she heard sirens…Mrs Jones had thought she was the one who set off the fire alarm but then she looked out the window…. and she saw that Jackie’s house was ON FIRE! She ran over to Jackie’s house to see if she was okay. It was a horrible site. Almost everything was destroyed. Jackie was crying so hard because she grew up in that house and got raised in that house she also raised Jack in that house. Everything  that she knew went up in flames. When Mrs. Jones got over there she saw Jackie in tears, and Jackie explained that everything she owned and knew she lost.Mrs. Jones was so sorry and she let her stay at her house until she found somewhere to live for a while. Luckily she had one guest room left.

Mrs. Jones is trying to be really nice with the little money that she has… but that is going to be a little hard to find a home for Jackie. But she said she would help so tomorrow she reserved the whole day for Jackie to find some clothes and start looking for a new house. Well…the clothes part was successful but the house part not so much. she looked at 100 DIFFERENT houses and she didn’t like any of them.It was a really stressful day for Mrs. Jones.

On Thursday they were going to go house shopping(again) hopefully this time is successful. YAY!!!!!!! said Mrs. Jones trying not to have Jackie to hear her. Jackie finally  found a house that she likes and it is only a few minutes away! She will move  tomorrow so she doesn’t have to live with  Mrs. Jones, Emily, Annie, and Derek.

Chapter Four

The Birthday Party

Mrs. Jones was so excited that today was the day that her niece’s and nephew’s birthday! She was so excited to see their faces when they realized that they had both gotten a double headed dragon and a fairy for their birthday! Then she got a call she had an order for 5,000 dragons and 2,000 fairies how could she possibly make all of them before the birthday party and even worse he wanted them all for a mere $50 which was less than what she would get 10 dragon or fairies and putting them combined he was asking too much of her.

Mrs. Jones made deals all the time but this mystery man was for a very good deal his half, but Mrs Jones was tight on money she barely afford to buy clay so turned down the mans order, he sounded angry and before he hung up he said “you will regret your answer”. But Mrs. Jones didn’t seem to understand what he meant so she went on with her life. She figured the mystery man was just trying to intimidate her. Later that day got another phone call this time it was from her sister, twins were missing…

The Dragons Den Part Two

The Dragons Den:Part Two

     By: Jillian Apgar


       Kathryn Pierce


  Chapter 1

Mrs. Jones’s exciting day

Mrs. Jones was so excited her niece and nephew were both turning 10 they are twins and their birthday was one week away! Mrs Jones was going to give both of them a two headed dragon for their birthday and she was also going to give each of them a fairy. When she started to put the clay in the mold to make the dragon she smelled smoke, the dragons had set the shed on fire! She immediately called 911 but no answer! So she got to work on making water dragons it took her a whole hour to make them! When she was done the fire had gotten worse! So she then put them in a line and made them squirt out water on the fire! They were successful! It took a long time but she did it.

When Emily, Anne, and Derek got home she told them about her day and they were astonished. After Mrs. Jones told her kids about her day, she made them a quick snack and then they did their homework. When they went upstairs they went into Emily’s room and they started to plan a little party to thank their mom for saving the shed which is where they work and make things, so they were really appreciative. Then they got right to work.

They started by naming things that their mom likes. Besides them cleaning their rooms and them obeying her. Otherwise the party would be really expensive or would require lots of cooking so it looks like they were going to clean their rooms. that wasn’t hard for Emily and Annie but Derek really needed some help, so on Thursday Emily and Annie were going to help Derek clean his room.

It was going to take a while but they would make it fun! They were going to have a competition to see who could clean up the most stuff! Guess who is going to win… Probably Anne or Emily is going to win but it is for their mom. The outcome was amazing Derek actually won! It turns out that Derek just doesn’t want to clean his room but he is actually really good and fast at cleaning rooms.



Chapter Two:

        Clean Up

Mrs. Jones was neck deep in orders for dragons and fairies so she took a break and went to her sister’s house to ask if she needed any help with the twins. Apparently her sister needed a lot of help with them because the party was a surprize and she needed as much distracting as possible. So Mrs. Jones took them to the park to play. While Mrs. Jones was at the park with the twins she brought Annie and Emily so if the twins go 2 directions then she has help to get them because they’re a handful.

Today the twins were actually very calm it must be because they are very excited that they are going into double digits. They stayed at the park for 5 hours! That gave Mrs. Jones children lots and lots of time to clean. But Derek was sleeping the whole time so it felt like hours to Annie and Emily because they spent 2 hours trying to get Derek to wake up and 1 hour trying to bribe fairies to help them clean.

When their mom got home the house was… well… interesting. There were fairies everywhere! Did I mention that they bribed the fairies into helping them by telling them that they could have a party in the house, well thats what they did. And the fairies way of cleaning was…kinda…well…uh…the opposite of cleaning. Now they knew why the room the fairies sleep in, is so…well…gross.  But their mom was so tired she didn’t care.

In fact when Mrs. Jones got home she fell into a deep sleep. So that gave the kids time to clean. And let me tell you there was a lot of work to do. And it didn’t help that the fairies started to mess everything up. By the time they were done cleaning it was dawn. The whole house was spotless. The fairies are really helpful…Sometimes


Chapter Three

Mrs. Jones New Job

Mrs. Jones was just getting up when she got a phone call it was from a company called Say Yes To The Dress! They wanted her to work for them on television! She had to think it over first but…she said yes. She was so excited she screamed. It was then that she heard sirens…Mrs Jones had thought she was the one who set off the fire alarm but then she looked out the window…. and she saw that Jackie’s house was ON FIRE! She ran over to Jackie’s house to see if she was okay. It was a horrible site. Almost everything was destroyed. Jackie was crying so hard because she grew up in that house and got raised in that house she also raised Jack in that house. Everything  that she knew went up in flames. When Mrs. Jones got over there she saw Jackie in tears, and Jackie explained that everything she owned and knew she lost.Mrs. Jones was so sorry and she let her stay at her house until she found somewhere to live for a while. Luckily she had one guest room left.

Mrs. Jones is trying to be really nice with the little money that she has… but that is going to be a little hard to find a home for Jackie. But she said she would help so tomorrow she reserved the whole day for Jackie to find some clothes and start looking for a new house. Well…the clothes part was successful but the house part not so much. she looked at 100 DIFFERENT houses and she didn’t like any of them.It was a really stressful day for Mrs. Jones.

On Thursday they were going to go house shopping(again) hopefully this time is successful. YAY!!!!!!! said Mrs. Jones trying not to have Jackie to hear her. Jackie finally  found a house that she likes and it is only a few minutes away! She will move  tomorrow so she doesn’t have to live with  Mrs. Jones, Emily, Anne, and Derek.

Chapter Four

The Birthday Party

Mrs. Jones was so excited that today was the day that her niece’s and nephew’s birthday! She was so excited to see their faces when they realized that they had both gotten a double headed dragon and a fairy for their birthday! Then she got a call she had an order for 5,000 dragons and 2,000 fairies how could she possibly make all of them before the birthday party and even worse he wanted them all for a mere $50 which was less than what she would get 10 dragon or fairies and putting them combined he was asking too much of her.

Mrs. Jones made deals all the time but this mystery man was for a very good deal his half, but Mrs Jones was tight on money she barely afford to buy clay so turned down the man’s order, he sounded angry and before he hung up he said “you will regret your answer”. But Mrs. Jones didn’t seem to understand what he meant so she went on with her life. She figured the mystery man was just trying to intimidate her. Later that day got another phone call this time it was from her sister, twins were missing…

Also found on Kathryn’s blog

The Dragons Den



By: Jillian Apgar


Kathryn Pierce

Chapter 1

Dragon Trouble

One day in Scrubbley, Massachusetts Mrs.Jones and her son and daughters Emily, Annie, and Derek.They lived with their horse named Lizzie. They ran a small inn. One day a man named David wrote a letter to Mrs.Jones.The letter said that he was accepted to a college near by and I was wondering if she had a room that he could stay in for a little while. She replied, that she have plenty of room for him at the inn and that when he came she would have a key for you just say you have a reservation for David, oh watch out for our neighbor Mr. Martin. He hates visitors and also did you read our business card very very carefully and you’re okay with it.

A few days later David knocked on their door “hello!” he said. “I have a reservation for David.” he said. “Okay, first room on the left it should be unlocked the key is on the RRROAR!” “AHHHHHHH” screamed David as he jumped back. “What was that!” David yelled. Oh….um….   that was Lily one of our dragons.”Dragons!!” Asked David unsuspectingly? Why didn’t you read the business card asked Mrs.Jones. Oh my my my. Are you okay with  lots of dragons and fairies? Umm…. fairies too? I guess so, David said. Good! Said Mrs.Jones.

Sit down David, make yourself at home. I am going to to tell you the stories of how all the dragons and fairies are here, and don’t go up there Mrs.Jones pointed at the room at the top of the stairs. You don’t want to know why,anyway I make dragons and I tried it with fairies and it worked and then my son and daughters found it and then my daughters kept making fairies and my son kept making dragons and then when I went in there were lots of dragons and fairies and how I found out was I had only made one and there were 25 dragons and 25 fairies.`

On Tuesday David went to his first day of college and when he was done he thought about what Mrs.Jones had said and decided that he wanted to sneak home early and open up the room at the top of the stairs and on the door was a sign that said DO NOT COME IN, oh well said David I’m going  to go in anyway. When he got in he saw the molds and  put some clay in it and then it popped out and formed a dragon he tried it again and again and again he doubled  the amount of dragons then he tried it with the fairies and again he doubled the number of fairies.



Chapter 2


Craft Fair

When Mrs.Jones came home and she found out, boy was she mad. Now she has 50 dragons and 50 fairies. What am I supposed to do with 50 fairies and 50 dragons! exclaimed Mrs.Jones. Well…… I guess that you could sell some or at least I think so I haven’t seen anybody do it but you’re the first person that I’ve seen with dragons and fairies David said.            I guess that I could sell them Mrs. Jones said. Does that mean that we can come along exclaimed Annie, Emily, and Derek. I guess so said Mrs. Jones.

The next day they went to their towns craft fair and set up a booth and when everybody passed they passed in awe. How can she make dragons and fairies? Everybody was wondering. When the craft fair was finished for that day they had only 3 dragons and 2 fairies! when they went home she made 100 fairies and dragons. The next day they sold out and had orders for 58 dragons and 54 fairies and that was only the second day!

On the third day she made 1,000 dragons and 1,000 fairies and she sold out! How many people want dragons and fairies! exclaimed Mrs. Jones. Well…… I may of told a lot of my friends that you make dragons and fairies and they kind of told all of their friends and they told all of their friends and then it kind of went global. WHAT it went global! Sorry…. You are making me work all day and all night making dragons and fairies! On the bright side you are going to be rich and famous. Oh that’s right I am the first person that has ever made dragons and fairies and then Annie,Emily, and Derek made fairies and dragons and then YOU made dragons and fairies when I specifically said DON’T go in that room and of course you did.

The last person who stayed in the inn also did that is how She found out and then she wanted a fairy and I said how did you get a dragon the only way to make dragons is by using the clay and molds in the room at the top of the steps and I said DON’T go in there and she did and she made herself a dragon and then she asked me for a fairy and I said no and then you made dragons and fairies and then I had to go to the craft fair and now we are up to date. Okay? Ok…. David said.


Chapter 3

Getting rid of the fairies


Mrs. Jones had made a lot of fairies since she started to sell them and she had a lot  left over so it was time to get rid of some of them. On Monday it was the last day of the craft fair to be prepared she made 1,050 more dragons and 1,050 more fairies, but this time she didn’t sell out she had 150 fairies left what was she going to do with 150 fairies! well she has a friend who  has 4 daughters and a son maybe I could make a few more dragons and give her some dragons and fairies for her son and daughter maybe if she is okay with it so on Wednesday she went over to her friends house and asked her if she wanted a dragon or a fairy for her son and daughters and she said I would love to take 2 or 3 fairies off your hands. Thank you if any of your friends want any fairies then just tell me and I will be happy to give some away, just give me a call.

On Wednesday, her friend called and said this guy named David called and he wants 100 fairies! Also June called and she wants 20 fairies. Thank you! if you know anybody who wants 27 fairies then give me a call and I will give them 27 fairies happily. The next day she expected her friend to call but she didn’t call. She didn’t call for a week I thought that something happened to her because last week everybody wanted fairies. Finally on Thursday morning she called and said nobody wants anymore fairies. What about if you say for every fairy then they get 2 dragons, but only the first 27 fairies.

On Friday her friend call and said Bella wants 15 and Natalie wants 5 also Heather wants 7. Thanks for the help selling them Jackie if you want another dragon or fairy I will give you one just call. I will get the fairies and the dragons to you in a few days and then you can give them to Bella, Natalie, and Heather for me because I have a guest. Thanks again. See you in a day or two with 27 fairies and 54 dragons can I meet you in the park at around 2 o’clock on Wednesday? asked Mrs.Jones. Ummm… I have to take Jack to a birthday party at 2 o’clock but I can meet me at 2:30. said Jackie. Okay! See you at 2:30! Mrs. Jones said. Wednesday was 2 days away so Mrs. Jones had 2 days to make 54 dragons and get them to her.

So on Tuesday Mrs. Jones got to work and made all the dragons that she needed to so she was ready and she didn’t have do it tomorrow because she has a very busy morning tomorrow and she has a busy evening tonight because Emily has a concert and Derek has basketball practice after school tonight plus Annie has gymnastics so she was loaded up with work for a while. Also tomorrow in the morning Emily and Annie have a soccer game.



Chapter 4

Getting them to Jackie

Mrs. Jones was over her head in finances and she needed to get some help so she called Jackie to come over for help and when Jackie came she was a mess her clothes were pretty much rags and when Mrs. Jones asked what happened she said “dragons” Mrs. Jones laughed and said well they are playful and you can’t expect anything less! I have the dragons and fairies for Bella, Natalie, and Heather if you want to take them now. I will take them  now and give them to them tomorrow.

The next day Jackie met Natalie for coffee and then she met Bella for lunch and then later she met Heather for dinner. She had a great time she pretty much just went to the coffee shop and then went to the cafe and then then she went to the grocery store and then went to the cafe again to meet Heather, so in all she had a pretty busy day. Now it was time for Mrs Jones to have a busy day…

Encyclopedia Brown Writing Test

Cheif Brown suspected Mrs. King of stealing the salamender because Dr. O’Donnell was one of the other suspects and he was examining a new crocodile from Australia.

He also suspected her because Sam Maine (the other suspect) was cleaning out exhibits and feeding some lizards and  people saw him doing that.

The final reason that he suspected Mrs. King is that he didn’t ask her what she was doing when the crime happened.