Free Choice Blog

In my free choice blog I am choosing to talk about some of my favorite music recently. One of my current favorite songs is Phantom by Jessie Paege. It is a relatively new song. I think that Jessie put a lot of thought and effort into this song. You can tell by the music video that she is pushing herself to see how far she can go. This is the second song she has ever published and I highly recommend checking out both of her songs!


My favorite band right now is Why Don’t We. Why Don’t We is a boyband that is made up of 5 members. Their names are Jack Avery, Zach Herron, Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, and Daniel Seavy. They have 5 EP’s, 1 album, and over 15 singles. This year they have released a single every month, including one with popular artist Macklemore. They have over 4.3 million followers on instagram, and ended the year with over 690 million streams on spotify. Their most recent song is called With You this Christmas.

I have also really been liking this song called Roi by Videoclub. This song is in french. It is a very upbeat song. I just recently discovered Videoclub (thanks to my cousin) and I have been loving all of their music. They have 5 singles out, and have 152k instagram followers. All of their songs are in french, which i think is a great addition to a playlist. 

Quote Response

“I’m not ok but I smile anyway”~Unknown

I think that this quote is really meaningful to many people. A lot of people just judge based off of appearance but this quote shows that it is not good to do that. Some people just smile through the pain instead of talking it through with somebody. With that being said it is always better to talk to somebody before it gets to a point where you are thinking about hurting your self or others. Even if you don’t think it’s a big deal it’s still wise to talk to others about your problems because it can also add another perspective and could help you fix them.

Collabo-blog With Dakota

Six the Musical 

Have you ever heard of the musical Six? Six is an upbeat musical about the six wives of King Henry VIII. Their names are Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard and Catherine Parr. Not many people know more about them than how they died, but this musical explains some of their backgrounds and more about why they died. The musical was originally written by two film students from England. It was originally written as a film project, but then they liked it so much they decided to adapt it into a musical. Six has an all female cast and band, even most of the directors and other people helping are women too. All six of the queens are on stage for the whole musical, and when they aren’t singing the song for their wife they act as background singers for the other wives. Six has been running in London on the West End and it is coming to Broadway in February of 2020!

Passion Blog-Music

I really enjoy music. Whenever I need to relax I either sit down and play the piano or the pump organ or listen to music. One of my favorite songs to play on the pump organ is the intro to Phantom of the Opera, and my favorite thing to play on the piano is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Music is very calming for me, and I think that is because when I am listening to music I know how much work they put into that with writing it, and even playing it is challenging. I think that music can be a way to express yourself. If you play a song it won’t sound the same if you try and play it again even if you have the same music and think you are using the same dynamics.

Alternate Ending Blog- Dead Man’s Path

Three days later the village priest came up to me and told me that we had just lost a young women in the village during child bed. He then told me that they were firing me because of the amount of complaints they’ve gotten because of the path closing.

“Well? What am I supposed to do about that! They were the ones walking through my school grounds!” I shouted

The Priest then calmly said “That path was very important to those people, it was what connected them to their ancestors.” He then proceeded to tell me that I had to be off the premises in two days or they would kick me and my wife out.

We started to pack up our things, then the next day we went to my mother-in-law’s house to stay until I found a new job. When we got there the lights started to flicker.

“Oh it’s probably just because of a storm, we just changed the light bulbs last week.” my mother-in-law said, but then she looked outside and it was bright and sunny. “That’s weird. That has never happened before, and I’ve been living here for my whole life.”

“Of course this is happening to us!” my wife exclaimed, “Maybe we just have bad luck.”

” I don’t think this is just ‘bad luck,’ I think this is even more powerful than that,” I replied.

“What do you mean?” My wife questioned.

“Maybe the ghosts of the people who used to use the path are coming back to haunt me because of what I did.” I guessed.

Then the lights flickered again, but that wasn’t all this time. The next second we heard a huge crash. We ran into the kitchen to see that the chandelier fell and had shattered into a million pieces.

“I’m guessing that’ a yes, they are haunting us.” I state

I walk to the closet to get a broom to clean up the mess, and when I get there I see that there is a trail of paper leading to the bathroom. I slowly open the door. It looks like there isn’t anybody in there so I walk in further. I turn around to go out, then I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I look down and see a knife that was stabbed through my chest. I turn around to see who did it, and there isn’t anybody there. I fall to the ground and everything goes black for a second, then I see a bright light. Somehow I am in the bathroom again. I look down to see if I still have the knife in my chest, and see a body on the ground. What’s happening? My wife and mother-in-law come running through the door yelling for me. I try to answer, but they don’t hear me. I think that they think I’m the one on the floor. I go around, and I see that it is actually my body on the ground! Am I a ghost? I try to reach out and touch my wife but my hand goes right through her shoulder. I guess that means I am a ghost. I go into the living room and see a shadowy figure that I didn’t when we came in. I go up and see that it isn’t a person. It’s another ghost.

“What are you doing here?”I question.

“I’m here to get my revenge, and now that I did I’m leaving,” he retorted.

“Wait! Why did were you seeking revenge?” I said confused.

“You were the one who tried to close our path. That path had deep meanings, and was very important in the village when I was growing up. It was the only thing that connected me to my grandma.” he said sadly, “When you close that path it closes off all communication we have with our relatives that are still living.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize it was that important.” I said apologetically, “Next time I’ll think about my decision more, and make sure what I’m doing doesn’t anger anybody.”

“Thanks,” the ghost replied, “I’m sorry for killing you, I was really mad.”

“No problem, I get where you were coming from,” I replied .


Ever since that day neither his wife or mother-in-law or the police could figure out how he died. We don’t even know if that was the reason he was killed, or if people just made it up to cover up the fact that he committed suicide. The world may never know.

How to Boil Water-How to Blog

How to boil water~ by Jillian Apgar

Ingredients you need~ A pot and water

Step 1-Get a pot

Step 2- Go over to the sink and fill the pot with water

Step 3- Put the pot full of water on the stove burner

Step 4- Turn the burner on

Step 5- Wait for the water to start boiling

Personal Choice Blog-How Well do My Friends Know Me

I asked three of my best friends fifteen questions about me and these were their responses

  • What’s my favorite color

~Ceili said blue


~Beka said blue or purple

~the correct answer is blue/teal or purple

  • Who is my favorite band

~Ceili said why don’t we

~Why Don’t We-Maica

~Why Don’t We- Beka

~the correct answer is Why Don’t We

  • How many siblings do I have

~2 siblings- Ceili


~2- Beka

~the correct answer is 2- 1 brother and 1 sister

  • Do I want to dye my hair again? If yes what color do you think I would want to do next?

~yes, a light dusty pink- Ceili

~idk man maybe blue-Maica

~yes and pink??- Beka

~the correct answer is yes I do and I want to do light pink next

  • What is my favorite dessert?

~ice cream- Ceili

~ice cream-Maica

~ice cream!!- Beka

~the correct answer is Ice Cream

  • What is my favorite meal

~mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, steak, and crispy broccoli- Ceili

~mac n cheese-Maica

~chicken nuggets- Beka

~the correct answer is Alfredo with chicken and roasted broccoli

  • What is my favorite show on Netflix

~Friends or Stranger Things- Ceili

~Stranger Things-Maica

~Friends or Stranger Things- Beka

~the correct answer is Stranger Things or Friends

  • What do I want to do in the future

~You aren’t sure yet- Ceili

~live. idk man. Teach?-Maica

~Youtuber or Musician??- Beka

~the correct answer is I’m not sure yet

  • Where do I want to travel to

~London/England again- Ceili


~London- Beka

~the correct answer is I want to go back to London I want to go to India and I want to go to Greece

  • Have I ever broken a bone? If so when did I break it and what bone did I break

~uhm maybe your leg when you were like 3-5- Ceili

~idk man. Your finger? 2 years? -Maica

~yes your arm when you were like 4- Beka

~the correct answer is I broke my tibia when I was 2

  • What is my favorite smell

~Cinnamon- Ceili

~Coffee? Fire. Fall-Maica

~floral- Beka

~the correct answer is either vanilla, coffee, or what grandma’s house smells when we make applesauce

  • What is my biggest pet peeve

~not sure- Ceili

~loud chewing-Maica

~mean people- Beka

~the correct answer is people chewing loudly

  • If I won the lottery what would be the first thing I would buy

~a really nice piano- Ceili

~wdw tickets/ merch-Maica

~a grand piano- Beka

~the correct answer is a Steinway grand piano the second thing would be Why Don’t We tickets

  • What was my name going to be if I was a boy

~Jilliano- Ceili


~Jack??- Beka

~the correct answer is Jesse Todd

  • What instrument(s) do I play

~the pump organ, piano and clarinet – Ceili

~piano, clarinet? Pipe organ-Maica

~piano clarinet organ- Beka

~the correct answer is Clarinet, Piano, and pump organ

Finally what three words would you use to describe me

~funny, loyal and Christlike- Ceili

~amazing funny relatable-Maica

~crazy nice silly- Beka


Ceili got 11 right

Maica got 10 right

Beka got 9 right