Legacy-Blog #2

“Legacy, it’s like planting a seed in a garden that you’ll never see,” ~Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Image result for Legacy is like planting a seed in a garden you'll never see



That is a quote from the famous musical Hamilton. This is one of my favorite quotes, and its not just because Hamilton is one of my favorite musicals. I believe this quote has a very deep meaning. Some people, like the founding fathers, start somethings but never live to see it work, grow, or prosper. Many people get to see their work before they do, or they get to see it in real life, but the person who made it doesn’t get to see it at all.

Blog #1 Collabo-Blog With Sarah

Have you ever hear of the dodo bird? Well if you haven’t it’s because they’re extinct. “Why are you writing about the dodo bird,” you might ask. It’s because many other species are at risk of becoming extinct like the dodo bird.  The Dodo bird when extinct because they were over hunted, and the Dutch sailors ate them. The dodo bird is not a unique case, many animals are endanger of becoming like the dodo. A few examples are, the Asian elephant, North American right whale, marine otters, olive ridley sea turtles, and honey bees. Some ways you can help these animals are recycling, leaving a smaller carbon footprint, and donate your time to cleaning the environment.