The Dragons Den Part 2

The Dragons Den:Part Two

     By: Jillian Apgar


       Kathryn Pierce


  Chapter 1

Mrs. Jones’s exciting day

Mrs. Jones was so excited her niece and nephew were both turning 10 they are twins and their birthday was one week away! Mrs Jones was going to give both of them a two headed dragon for their birthday and she was also going to give each of them a fairy. When she started to put the clay in the mold to make the dragon she smelled smoke, the dragons had set the shed on fire! She immediately called 911 but no answer! So she got to work on making water dragons it took her a whole hour to make them! When she was done the fire had gotten worse! So she then put them in a line and made them squirt out water on the fire! They were successful! It took a long time but she did it.

When Emily, Annie, and Derek got home she told them about her day and they were astonished. After Mrs. Jones told her kids about her day, she made them a quick snack and then they did their homework. When they went upstairs they went into Emily’s room and they started to plan a little party to thank there mom for saving the shed which is where they work and make things, so they were really appreciative. Then they got right to work.

They started by naming things that their mom likes. Besides them cleaning their rooms and them obeying her. Otherwise the party would be really expensive or would require lots of cooking so it looks like they were going to clean their rooms. that wasn’t hard for Emily and Annie but Derek really needed some help, so on Thursday Emily and Annie were going to help Derek clean his room.

It was going to take a while but they would make it fun! They were going to have a competition to see who could clean up the most stuff! Guess who is going to win… Probably Annie or Emily is going to win but it is for their mom. The outcome was amazing Derek actually won! It turns out that Derek just doesn’t want to clean his room but he is actually really good and fast at cleaning rooms.



Chapter Two:

        Clean Up

Mrs. Jones was neck deep in orders for dragons and fairies so she took a break and went to her sisters house to ask if she needed any help with the twins. Apparently her sister needed a lot of help with them because the party was a surprize and she needed as much distracting as possible. So Mrs. Jones took them to the park to play. While Mrs. Jones was at the park with the twins she brought Annie and Emily so if the twins go 2 directions then she has help to get them because they’re a handful.

Today the twins were actually very calm it must be because they are very excited that they are going into double digits. They stayed at the park for 5 hours! That gave Mrs. Jones children lots and lots of time to clean. But Derek was sleeping the whole time so it felt like hours to Annie and Emily because they spent 2 hours trying to get Derek to wake up and 1 hour trying to bribe fairies to help them clean.

When their mom got home the house was… well… interesting. There were fairies everywhere! Did I mention that they bribed the fairies into helping them by telling them that they could have a party in the house, well thats what they did. And the fairies way of cleaning was…kinda…well…uh…the opposite of cleaning. Now they knew why the room the fairies sleep in, is so…well…gross.  But their mom was so tired she didn’t care.

In fact when Mrs. Jones got home she fell into a deep sleep. So that gave the kids time to clean. And let me tell you there was a lot of work to do. And it didn’t help that the fairies started to mess everything up. By the time they were done cleaning it was dawn. The whole house was spotless. The fairies are really helpful…Sometimes


Chapter Three

Mrs. Jones New Job

Mrs. Jones was just getting up when she got a phone call it was from a company called Say Yes To The Dress! They wanted her to work for them on television! She had to think it over first but…she said yes. She was so excited she screamed. It was then that she heard sirens…Mrs Jones had thought she was the one who set off the fire alarm but then she looked out the window…. and she saw that Jackie’s house was ON FIRE! She ran over to Jackie’s house to see if she was okay. It was a horrible site. Almost everything was destroyed. Jackie was crying so hard because she grew up in that house and got raised in that house she also raised Jack in that house. Everything  that she knew went up in flames. When Mrs. Jones got over there she saw Jackie in tears, and Jackie explained that everything she owned and knew she lost.Mrs. Jones was so sorry and she let her stay at her house until she found somewhere to live for a while. Luckily she had one guest room left.

Mrs. Jones is trying to be really nice with the little money that she has… but that is going to be a little hard to find a home for Jackie. But she said she would help so tomorrow she reserved the whole day for Jackie to find some clothes and start looking for a new house. Well…the clothes part was successful but the house part not so much. she looked at 100 DIFFERENT houses and she didn’t like any of them.It was a really stressful day for Mrs. Jones.

On Thursday they were going to go house shopping(again) hopefully this time is successful. YAY!!!!!!! said Mrs. Jones trying not to have Jackie to hear her. Jackie finally  found a house that she likes and it is only a few minutes away! She will move  tomorrow so she doesn’t have to live with  Mrs. Jones, Emily, Annie, and Derek.

Chapter Four

The Birthday Party

Mrs. Jones was so excited that today was the day that her niece’s and nephew’s birthday! She was so excited to see their faces when they realized that they had both gotten a double headed dragon and a fairy for their birthday! Then she got a call she had an order for 5,000 dragons and 2,000 fairies how could she possibly make all of them before the birthday party and even worse he wanted them all for a mere $50 which was less than what she would get 10 dragon or fairies and putting them combined he was asking too much of her.

Mrs. Jones made deals all the time but this mystery man was for a very good deal his half, but Mrs Jones was tight on money she barely afford to buy clay so turned down the mans order, he sounded angry and before he hung up he said “you will regret your answer”. But Mrs. Jones didn’t seem to understand what he meant so she went on with her life. She figured the mystery man was just trying to intimidate her. Later that day got another phone call this time it was from her sister, twins were missing…

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