The Dragons Den



By: Jillian Apgar


Kathryn Pierce

Chapter 1

Dragon Trouble

One day in Scrubbley, Massachusetts Mrs.Jones and her son and daughters Emily, Annie, and Derek.They lived with their horse named Lizzie. They ran a small inn. One day a man named David wrote a letter to Mrs.Jones.The letter said that he was accepted to a college near by and I was wondering if she had a room that he could stay in for a little while. She replied, that she have plenty of room for him at the inn and that when he came she would have a key for you just say you have a reservation for David, oh watch out for our neighbor Mr. Martin. He hates visitors and also did you read our business card very very carefully and you’re okay with it.

A few days later David knocked on their door “hello!” he said. “I have a reservation for David.” he said. “Okay, first room on the left it should be unlocked the key is on the RRROAR!” “AHHHHHHH” screamed David as he jumped back. “What was that!” David yelled. Oh….um….   that was Lily one of our dragons.”Dragons!!” Asked David unsuspectingly? Why didn’t you read the business card asked Mrs.Jones. Oh my my my. Are you okay with  lots of dragons and fairies? Umm…. fairies too? I guess so, David said. Good! Said Mrs.Jones.

Sit down David, make yourself at home. I am going to to tell you the stories of how all the dragons and fairies are here, and don’t go up there Mrs.Jones pointed at the room at the top of the stairs. You don’t want to know why,anyway I make dragons and I tried it with fairies and it worked and then my son and daughters found it and then my daughters kept making fairies and my son kept making dragons and then when I went in there were lots of dragons and fairies and how I found out was I had only made one and there were 25 dragons and 25 fairies.`

On Tuesday David went to his first day of college and when he was done he thought about what Mrs.Jones had said and decided that he wanted to sneak home early and open up the room at the top of the stairs and on the door was a sign that said DO NOT COME IN, oh well said David I’m going  to go in anyway. When he got in he saw the molds and  put some clay in it and then it popped out and formed a dragon he tried it again and again and again he doubled  the amount of dragons then he tried it with the fairies and again he doubled the number of fairies.



Chapter 2


Craft Fair

When Mrs.Jones came home and she found out, boy was she mad. Now she has 50 dragons and 50 fairies. What am I supposed to do with 50 fairies and 50 dragons! exclaimed Mrs.Jones. Well…… I guess that you could sell some or at least I think so I haven’t seen anybody do it but you’re the first person that I’ve seen with dragons and fairies David said.            I guess that I could sell them Mrs. Jones said. Does that mean that we can come along exclaimed Annie, Emily, and Derek. I guess so said Mrs. Jones.

The next day they went to their towns craft fair and set up a booth and when everybody passed they passed in awe. How can she make dragons and fairies? Everybody was wondering. When the craft fair was finished for that day they had only 3 dragons and 2 fairies! when they went home she made 100 fairies and dragons. The next day they sold out and had orders for 58 dragons and 54 fairies and that was only the second day!

On the third day she made 1,000 dragons and 1,000 fairies and she sold out! How many people want dragons and fairies! exclaimed Mrs. Jones. Well…… I may of told a lot of my friends that you make dragons and fairies and they kind of told all of their friends and they told all of their friends and then it kind of went global. WHAT it went global! Sorry…. You are making me work all day and all night making dragons and fairies! On the bright side you are going to be rich and famous. Oh that’s right I am the first person that has ever made dragons and fairies and then Annie,Emily, and Derek made fairies and dragons and then YOU made dragons and fairies when I specifically said DON’T go in that room and of course you did.

The last person who stayed in the inn also did that is how She found out and then she wanted a fairy and I said how did you get a dragon the only way to make dragons is by using the clay and molds in the room at the top of the steps and I said DON’T go in there and she did and she made herself a dragon and then she asked me for a fairy and I said no and then you made dragons and fairies and then I had to go to the craft fair and now we are up to date. Okay? Ok…. David said.


Chapter 3

Getting rid of the fairies


Mrs. Jones had made a lot of fairies since she started to sell them and she had a lot  left over so it was time to get rid of some of them. On Monday it was the last day of the craft fair to be prepared she made 1,050 more dragons and 1,050 more fairies, but this time she didn’t sell out she had 150 fairies left what was she going to do with 150 fairies! well she has a friend who  has 4 daughters and a son maybe I could make a few more dragons and give her some dragons and fairies for her son and daughter maybe if she is okay with it so on Wednesday she went over to her friends house and asked her if she wanted a dragon or a fairy for her son and daughters and she said I would love to take 2 or 3 fairies off your hands. Thank you if any of your friends want any fairies then just tell me and I will be happy to give some away, just give me a call.

On Wednesday, her friend called and said this guy named David called and he wants 100 fairies! Also June called and she wants 20 fairies. Thank you! if you know anybody who wants 27 fairies then give me a call and I will give them 27 fairies happily. The next day she expected her friend to call but she didn’t call. She didn’t call for a week I thought that something happened to her because last week everybody wanted fairies. Finally on Thursday morning she called and said nobody wants anymore fairies. What about if you say for every fairy then they get 2 dragons, but only the first 27 fairies.

On Friday her friend call and said Bella wants 15 and Natalie wants 5 also Heather wants 7. Thanks for the help selling them Jackie if you want another dragon or fairy I will give you one just call. I will get the fairies and the dragons to you in a few days and then you can give them to Bella, Natalie, and Heather for me because I have a guest. Thanks again. See you in a day or two with 27 fairies and 54 dragons can I meet you in the park at around 2 o’clock on Wednesday? asked Mrs.Jones. Ummm… I have to take Jack to a birthday party at 2 o’clock but I can meet me at 2:30. said Jackie. Okay! See you at 2:30! Mrs. Jones said. Wednesday was 2 days away so Mrs. Jones had 2 days to make 54 dragons and get them to her.

So on Tuesday Mrs. Jones got to work and made all the dragons that she needed to so she was ready and she didn’t have do it tomorrow because she has a very busy morning tomorrow and she has a busy evening tonight because Emily has a concert and Derek has basketball practice after school tonight plus Annie has gymnastics so she was loaded up with work for a while. Also tomorrow in the morning Emily and Annie have a soccer game.



Chapter 4

Getting them to Jackie

Mrs. Jones was over her head in finances and she needed to get some help so she called Jackie to come over for help and when Jackie came she was a mess her clothes were pretty much rags and when Mrs. Jones asked what happened she said “dragons” Mrs. Jones laughed and said well they are playful and you can’t expect anything less! I have the dragons and fairies for Bella, Natalie, and Heather if you want to take them now. I will take them  now and give them to them tomorrow.

The next day Jackie met Natalie for coffee and then she met Bella for lunch and then later she met Heather for dinner. She had a great time she pretty much just went to the coffee shop and then went to the cafe and then then she went to the grocery store and then went to the cafe again to meet Heather, so in all she had a pretty busy day. Now it was time for Mrs Jones to have a busy day…

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