Elena zimmerman's daylight blog

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Vocab week 6

The first word I chose was Lambent and the song I chose for that word is Shine Bright Like a Dimond by Rihanna . The reason why I chose this is the mean is something brightly soft and in the song Rihanna is telling you so shine and be bright. The youtube video for the song. The second work I chose was Heretics and the song I chose doesn’t go along with the word but the singer songwritter is why I chose this. The Song is Fireworks by Katy Pary and I chose this becuase she was a christian artist but became famous and completely forgot about that and now has a new album cover mocking christianity. The youtube video. The third word I chose is amphilbious. The song I chose for this and I would say it very stupid but it counts. It a song from the show H2O and the reason why I chose this is because it about mermaids and the word is about a sea creature that can be on land or in the water and thats what mermaids are. The song name is Just add water.  The youtube link. The last word I chose was Tactic. The song choice is We are the Champions by Queen and the reason why i chose this is becuase tactic basically says something about being successful in the end and if you couldn’t guess by the title the song is about being on top and being successful. The youtube link


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Swastika-waering gunman 15, wounds 24 during school shooting  in Russia. 22 children and 2 adults were injured. The gunman killed 15 people. 39 in all were either injured or killed. The gunmans identity and motive wasn’t clear but Alexander  Brechalov said that he was a patient at a psychiatric faciltiy. Alexander had said this to the associated press.

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The Brilliant light of amber sunrise

I chose The Brilliant light of amber sunrise. I’m not sure why I chose this book but after reading the back I am really happy that I chose this. The book is  about a guy named francis whoget diagnosed with leukemia  and while at the hospitqal meet a girl named amber who he falls for. He starts to get better but amber isn’t.

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I have a bunch of habits one of them is to brush my teeth everynight.

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Bridge of Terabithia yes or no

If you like reading book that don’t really have a good ending I recommend you read “Bridge of Terabithia”.People should read “Bridge of Terabithia” because  it has part that are funny, mean, and sad .Katherine Patterson in the writer of the story,the book was published in 1977. I liked the book because it was one of the book that you have to reading because you want to know what happens next. If you have no books to read, read “Bridge of Terabithia” it is my favorite book. After all of this don’t forget you also can watch the movie.

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Do you believe in ghosts ???????

I personally don’t believe in ghosts. Ghosts are not real and that’s just my opinion. People act like they have seen ghosts or something paronormal.Creepy things happen but ghosts aren’t real. The more you believe in the the more you will most likely be paronoed.

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If I could travel anywhere in the world where would I go

I would go to France paris because some of my family lives.I would also want to take some instagram photos of me in front of the eiffel tower.My family always likes trying new foods so I would like try food from france to see what they eat. The french language is unique and would like to learn it. I would like to go to school in france to see how they learn. In the end I would like to see what it looks like at night when all the light are on.

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Some people all around the world think that pitbulls are scary and they will attack you. pitbulls are not scary in my perspective. Some people were victums of a pitbull attack . There are some pitbulls around the world who are trained and very sweet and there are some who are mean and scary.There are sweet pitbulls who have to wear a muzzle because of the complants about them being scary.

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A series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket

I think A series of unfortunate events is a great book if you like stories about bad things.If you don’t like mystery books it might not be the best book for you. one out of five I would give it a five. I will give you three reasons why: 1 because it gives you good details  about what is happening it gives so much that you can think about what you think is happening. 2 I think that the book the movie and the netflix series goes together like the is a like bit of a different stories but it is mostly the same.3 I believe they made 12 books I presonaly like how the stories go so long the it has to be 12 book just to fit one story  altogether.Those are my three reasons

The end

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the american eagle

     The american eagle                             

The american eagle is our symbol you can not kill it. It is a bald eagle did you now that benjamin franklin wanted it to be a turkey but we went with the  american eagle . the eagle was chosen in june 20 1782 we think it is majestic. You will be sued if you kill it and the fine is 25,000. It is our national bird.  Do you know there is a roller coaster named after it at six flags. Bullion coin are produced by the united states of america mint.


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