hyperbole bye My Favorite Animal


hi My favorite animal is a dolphin. Things about dolphins that make me like them is that they are normally really good at doing tricks like flips. I also have been to many of aquariums ever since I was four, so I have seen many dolphin shows. At the aquariums I remember that they were always my favorite and they still are now. These creatures are also very intelligent. I believe that they are intelligent because I have read that people have seen dolphins teaching kids how to use tools. Another thing that makes them smart is that they have developed lots of different types of communication like their whistle noise they make. Not only have I read this I have experienced them do many smart things at the aquarium. For example, their timing is super good when they do tricks. They also know when it’s showtime and when they’re going to get fed.

hi Not only are they intelligent they are actually very social. I know you’re probably thinking then why don’t they always come up to us at the beach well that’s because those dolphins aren’t as comfortable with humans. Dolphins can be social with humans, but not only humans they are social with other dolphins and sometimes even other animals like dogs. They do this thing that some people call play-fight which shows that they are very social and playful. They also like playing in the seaweed. Dolphins are also very beautiful animals like they (end sentence erase)I think that everyone should love these creatures because they are very playful, curious, intelligent. They are also so much like us. They are mammals, eat meat and vegetation, and are curious about the world just like us. This is why I love dolphins and why you should too.

Creative Commons License Brandon Trentler via CompfightAtlantic Bottlenose Dolphins