Make Each Day Your Masterpiece- John Wooden


Posted by wienckse | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 9, 2019

This quote is important becase it is telling you that you should try hard every day. Mr.Straub might have chosen it because He wants everyone to try there best every day. It is important for you to pay attention and not get off task. I will try to use the quote every day and keep trying my best. I think the quote means to try your best every day and work really hard.

Comments (3)

liked how you said why he chose that quote
I wish you had said why you liked this quote or chose this quote to writte adout
I wounder who is John wooden

star: I liked how every sentences was differnt.
wish: I wish you had more sentences.
wonder: I wonder why you picked this quote?

I liked how you put a lot of deatail in it.
I wish you put some more things in that you liked about it.
I wonder what your favorit part was?

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