Should we recycle or not?

Does recycling help the environment or does it damage it?

In my opinion recycling is bad because people just throw their trash away and think that they are doing something good. But in the process of recycling it releases carbon dioxide. This chemical gets trapped in the atmosphere and never leaves. This means that weather changes can become more noticeable. It can get absorbed into the ocean. It can also cause global warming. But back to recycling, in this article titled “PRO/CON: Should we throw away the recycling program?” I found a sentence that stood out to me. According to this article only 35% of trash that goes into the recycling is actually recycled. This is because the government only thinks that it is logical and economically correct to do this. The only things that get recycled is paper and aluminum cans/aluminum. Also in the article I found that in order to save 3 tons of carbon dioxide you need to recycle 1 ton of paper/aluminum. But that is still bad because one ton is 2,000 pounds and that means that we have a LOT of trash and we are only saving 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide.

Think about it. Which side are you on? Recycling is bad or Recycling is good. (To answer comment on this blog.)



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