The titanic


   I wake up in early morning it’s April 10 1912.

Me and my friend Brooke get a pass to board the Titanic. 20 minutes later we finally board the Titanic it is black red and yellow. There were 2,437 passengers on the boat. As we left people waved good bye to family members. Then me and Brooke split up to find our rooms. 15 minutes later I find my room and set it up. 12 minutes later I set out to find Brooke it is getting dark already. Then I finally found her.

     Now that I found her we can go explore. When we turn around the corner there was a huge dining room with black chairs and white table clothes. So we decided to eat there. The food was so good! Now we are going to go to bed. It’s the next day and I need to meet Brooke at her room. Now that we found each other were going to eat breakfast. It is the 11th now and i’m so excited to get to New york city. 20 minutes later we suddenly stop we look outside and we are at ireland. It was really pretty there.

    45 minutes later we were on the north atlantic ocean

Suddenly the boat shook really hard and I almost fell over.

Then I felt like the boat went down a little deeper. 30 minutes later it was time to eat lunch me and Brooke went to eat. 15 minutes later were done eating. Now were going to the swimming pool. An hour later we went back to are rooms. When I get to my room I make my bed and sit down and fall asleep. When I wake up I jump out of my bed and scream it’s the 12th. Now I have to go see if Brooke is up. Then I realise it’s only 5:00 in the morning so I can’t. 2 hours later I try finding Brooke. 12 minutes later I find her and we go eat eggs and bacon. 6 hours later we ate lunch we had hoagies with chips. A couple hours later we ate dinner we had london broil steak with green beans. 5 hours later I go to my room and go to bed.

       I wake up at 7:30 in the morning on the 13th. I walk out of my room and decide to go outside. When I get out I noticed the boat went a little lower because we hit a little iceberg. I went back inside and went to Brookes room to get her. When I got her we skipped breakfast and went for a early swim. 30 minutes later we left the pool and ate early lunch. A couple hours later we ate dinner. Then I went back to my room and played video games. 30 minutes later I fell asleep.

            When I woke up I went to get Brooke. Then we went to eat as we ate I heard a huge crash and screaming. Then we ran out to see what was going on. We crashed into a iceberg. Suddenly the ship split and we ran back inside and asked for a boat. They said they don’t have any. So we put on are warm jackets and jumped onto an Iceberg and call for help. 7 minutes later the boat sank.

45 minutes later a boat came to save us.