Colton's pok`e blog

Just another site

October 5, 2022
by watkinnhz

week 4

this news page is about resent pokemon game events, such as new raid battles, and new pokemon games info.

October 5, 2022
by watkinnhz

week 2

jon has major perception towards people. Jon value’s almost everyone he meets. the initiate of his actions are to be nice to others by learning people.

March 17, 2020
by watkinnhz

For Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was a great man, and a inspiring man to. He came up with many quotes to. One of my favorite quotes that he’s said, was “I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongue.” This quote was in Dr. Seuss’s book, The Lorax, when the Lorax said this to the man, what the Lorax meant was that the he speaks up for the trees and protects them.

March 17, 2020
by watkinnhz


In a Ted ed video Angela Duckworth explained that your iQ level is just a small percentage of how well you actually do in life. Grit is doing something and sticking to the thing you want yourself to proceed in. In the other video, Will Smith said that you have to find the grit in you so you’re able to improve.

February 16, 2020
by watkinnhz

Martin Luther King’s inspiring Quote

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

This quote to me means that if there’s darkness and you put more darkness into it there’s only going darkness, but if you put light into it the darkness will be gone. It’s basically the same thing for hate and love, If there’s hate in the world and you put more hate, there’s only going to be hate, but if you replace hate with love, other people will catch on.

November 25, 2019
by watkinnhz

I’m thankful…

I’m thankful for winter, because winter is the only season that is edible, but that’s not why I like winter. I’m now going to tell you about my normal winter day. I’d come downstairs and eat breakfast blah blah blah… Then my mom says that I need to shovel the sidewalk and says she’ll pay my sister, my brother, and I. (She never does, and I’ll tell you why.) We’d get our snow gear on then go outside get our shovels then shovel our sidewalks our neighbors sidewalks and then the best part about the snow would be ruining it all! Me and my brother would slide down the slopes in our front lawn, Finally we go inside sit by the heater, my mom would go out and shovel up our mess. An hour we’ll go back outside. And that is my average snow day.

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