Summer's Blog

Thoughts need words, and words need power… -Sharon M. Draper

Fantastic 4th Grade Schedule #16STUBC

on November 21, 2016

This week’s Student Blog Challenge is to tell the world about your school.  Below you will see many things that our school has and does and things like that.

Here is our schedule in 4th grade:

9:10- 9:40 a.m. Intervention-  but first we switch to our reading classes.  In Intervention we usually do Kidbiz while Mr. Geiman or Miss Lewis (our student teacher) teaches a group of students at the back table.  Kidbiz is a learning website where we read articles, answer questions, and write out Thought Questions.

9:40- 10:00 a.m.- Work on blogs and go commenting- at 9:40 the intervention group leaves and Mr. Geiman lets us work on our blogs and go commenting around the world.

10:00- 11:30 a.m. Groups-  at 10:00 a.m., we all break up into groups and go to stations.  I go to Independent first, Direct second, and Collaborative third.  Independent is when we do work on computers and paper alone.  Direct is when our group goes over to the desks closest to Mr. Geiman for direct instructions.  Collaborative is when we can talk to our partners and create a story together, but sometimes we make stories alone.  Each group is 30 minutes long.

11:30 a.m. Get ready to leave-  at 11:30 a.m.  we shut down our computers and get ready To leave Reading Class.  And switch back into our Homeroom Classes.

11:40 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Specials- at 11:40 a.m. all of 4th Grade goes to our specials.  Specials are when students go to special rooms to learn special things.  Our specials are Music, P.E., S.T.E.M., Art, and Library.  Music is when we go to the Music Room and do stuff like sing, play instruments, and do music- related activities on paper and whiteboards.  In P.E., (Physical Education) we play all kinds of games in the Gym.  One of my favorite games is Hot Feet.  We usually play Hot Feet after the Pacer because it doesn’t involve a lot of running.  There are 2 teams in Hot Feet, they each get a side of the Gym.  Then the people on the teams try to throw foamy balls at the other team’s people knees down.  If you get caught, you go to a jail on the opposite side of the Gym that your team is on.  You have to catch a ball inside the jail to get out.  Then you can try to make a basket through the basketball net to get all the people in that jail out.  S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, so we learn about that stuff.  4th Grade is currently learning about Electricity.  In Art we obviously do arty things like paint, color, draw, etc.  And then in Library we learn about books and stuff, and if you brought your books back from the last week, you can pick some more books to take home for the week.

12:25- 12:55 p.m. Social Studies, Science, or History- at 12:25 p.m. we come back from specials and learn about either Social Studies, Science, or History.  We stay in our Homerooms.

12:55- 1:05 p.m. Recess- we have a ten minute recess before lunch.

1:05- 1:25 p.m. Lunch- time to eat!  4th Grade has the latest lunch in the school.

1:30- 2:40 p.m. Math-  we switch to Math Class at this time.  We are about to start a new unit on Fractions.

2:40- 3:00 p.m. Break- Break is another longer recess that is 20 minutes long.

3:00- 3:20 p.m. Math- we come back in for some more of Math Class unless we were having indoor recess we would be having Break at this time and would already be done with Math Class.

3:30 p.m. Goodbye!-  School is over and it is time to go home.

How do you get to and back home from school?  I usually ride the School Bus.




2 Responses to “Fantastic 4th Grade Schedule #16STUBC”

  1. Danika says:

    Dear Summer,
    I loved your post!I found your writing both descriptive and informative, which makes your writing so interesting to write about. I was wondering if you liked this schedule or if you would make changes to it. Last year I loved my schedule because all my classes were near each other. This year though, my classes are very spread out, so I usually have to walk far and fast to my classes so I am not late. I love your blog!
    Happy Blogging,
    You can find my blog at

    • stern338 says:

      Hi Danika! I love my schedule because the mornings are long (and I LOVE Reading Class) and the afternoons are short. But I don’t really like our lunch time because we have the last lunch… Thanks! 🙂

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