Summer's Blog

Thoughts need words, and words need power… -Sharon M. Draper

Lively Limericks

A Fox Named Sox

There once was an old purple fox.

He was known by his friends as Sox.

He would wander around

All over the town

And each day he saw plenty of gawks.

By Summer and Mae

Too Much Hair

There once was a fox, so rare,

Because of her so long hair.

She married a dog,

Who sat on a log.

While she talked to a bear.

By Summer and Mae

A Pen Named Frank


There once was a pen named Frank

He went to the big city bank

Once he was there

He saw a bear


Frank’s little heart then sank

By Summer

A Fly On the Ledge

Once there was a fly

A fly who really liked pie

He’d sit on the ledge

To near to the edge

His mother always asked why

By Summer


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The Eggtastic Egg

“Summer! My pet penguin just laid a really weird egg!”, I heard my best friend’s voice from the phone, “I am going to ship it to you tomorrow, you’re a way better caretaker than me.” “WHAT?! I am not taking care of your egg! Can’t your penguin take care of it?” “No.”
“Why not?” “The penguin just walked out the front door.”
The next morning I found a package on my front porch. It was tied off with a pink bow. I went inside and opened the package. Inside was an egg wrapped up in a thick layer of wool and a letter. I took the letter out first. It read:

Dear Summer,

As I informed you yesterday, here is the egg that Squiggles the penguin laid. Please take really good care of it. If you were wondering, Squiggles was actually a robot developed by Michelangelo in 1496. He developed the egg too. He also made it so that Squiggles would lay the egg. But watch out! Albert Einstein has been searching for that egg for years! Don’t let him take it! I heard he is on his way to Australia right now! The egg will hatch at exactly 1:47 a.m. October 2nd 1500. It will only hatch though if you take it to the peak of the mountain called, Sumzer Peak. Then you will see the amazing things inside. I can’t tell you anymore, goodbye!

                                                                                                                         Take Care, Felishia?

“Only 6 hours and 6 minutes until the egg hatches!,” I thought, worried.  I’ll have to head out right now.  Just as I opened the front door, I saw the criminal mastermind standing before me. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” I screeched. Albert Einstein was standing on my front porch! I grabbed the egg and took it out of the box and unwrapped it. It had pink and green zebra stripes. “Wow, that is some egg.”

“And soon, that wowable egg will be mine!,” I heard Einstein yell, “Give it!”


Then I ran up the stairs with the egg. I went into my room. My mistakes, I left the door wide open. I heard footsteps on the staircase, and they were coming fast! So I quickly opened the window, broke the screen, and jumped onto the garage roof, just in time. The I hopped off of there and onto the soft, fluffy grass. I ran across the yard until my feet met up with the road. I wasn’t supposed to go near the road, but I had to get the egg to safety. I started running across the road to my neighbor’s’ field. I then saw Albert starting across the yard as fast as he could, which was pretty fast. But I could run faster. I started running again across the field filled to top with wheat. It was easy to push through the wheat without being seen.

I made it to the end of the field right when Albert had just started. I then climbed up a tree so that I had a better view of where I needed to find the mountain. I searched until I saw a sunlit peak taller than most of the trees. I realized Albert was starting to climb up the tree. I threw a giant branch at him with one hand, and the other was holding the mysterious egg tightly. That sure knocked him off his balance. Then, I slid down the tree and started running again. This time, I was running across a deep valley that held Sumzer Peak. The valley was full of pink and white azaleas. They were so beautiful that I almost stopped to pick one to take home. But I couldn’t. I had to keep running.

After a couple of minutes, I started to get tired. I HAD to stop. So finally, I did. But right when I looked up I saw the sunlit rocks of Sumzer Peak. “I’m here!,” I screamed, “I’m here! I’m here! I’m here!” Just then I searched along the field and fixed my eyes on Albert darting across. He was almost here! I was in the panting condition, so I had to wait a little- but only for a few seconds, for now he was about 20 yards away from where I was. After about 4 in a half more seconds, I had no choice, I darted to the bottom of the mountain. Then I started to get smart. I only had 1 hand to climb with! The other was full of that egg that’ll soon be an omelet if I didn’t hurry up!

Carelessly, I started climbing. I didn’t care. I wanted to see what was inside the egg. The climbing part was very hard, but I just kept repeating to myself, “Nothing is impossible, you can do it!” And that worked! I was at the top of Sumzer Peak in no time! But the bad part was, Albert Einstein was already at the peak when I took my last pull and grab. How did he get up there so fast?

“I’m guessing that you are wondering how I got up here so fast, hmm?,” he said, “Well… I thought I was too slow. So I quickly used some pink and white azaleas to create a Rocket Fast Place Jumper. And let me tell you, it works and it works pretty well! Now, some handy information, NEVER underestimate a mad scientist!”

“Oh don’t worry…,” I began, “I still have the egg, which means, I WI-,” I got stopped in the middle of my words.

“-The egg is about to hatch!”

I put the egg down on the rock hard ground. And we huddled around it, like we were friends- but we weren’t. A few seconds past and I started to hear little sounds. “It sounds like a…. A goat?!,” I said, confused and startled.

“Sounds like it,” I heard Einstein whisper, “And I discovered it!”

“No you did not!,” and I moved the egg closer to me.

Just then, a little piece of green eggshell broke off. Next, a bigger piece of pink broke off. Then the last piece of eggshell broke off of both combined with pink and green zebra stripes. Four little baby purple goats then appeared. They started nibbling on the laces of my Converse. “Whoa,” I said, very amused. Albert was on the other side of the peak, staring, also in amusement. Then the goats started talking.

“My name is Nipper.”

“My name is Zipper.”

“My name is Kipper.”

“And my name is Bop.”

“We’ll always listen to our master… YOU!,” they all said in perfect harmony.

“Hmmm…,” I started to think, “Well then go eat Albert Einstein!”



Who’s Blog Did I Comment On This Week?

During this week of the blog challenge, I have commented on these peoples’ blogs:


I left a comment on Roxy23’s  Wolves because I liked her poem about wolves but had a few questions.
I commented on Sydney’s My Random Blog Post Of the Month because I wanted to learn more about her October plans and what the Monster Mash is like.


I commented on Autumn’s Commenting because I wanted a quick review on the commenting rules.  She did a nice job explaining all of it.


I commented on Hannah’s Commenting Guidelines because I wanted to read her commenting guidelines too.  I learned a lot from all of these amazing posts. 🙂


Hilarious House On a Hill

“Mom! I am going to Mikayla’s new house to play!,” I said as I was hopping down the stairs.  

Then I heard a response, “Ok, have fun!”

“I will!” As I headed out the door I checked my mental checklist: cupcake ingredients, check, books, check, and colored pencils, check.  This was going to be awesome!

I ran to my bike and got on.  I started peddling down the street.  I felt like I was forgetting something, my map!  I forgot my map!  So I rode back to my house to get the map.

After searching for a while, I finally found it.  Then, I ran back out of the house and started riding my bike again.  I was going to be late, but it was better to be late then to not go at all.  I rode as fast as I could until I saw her house.  “What kind of house is this?,” I thought as I parked my bike in the driveway.  The house was pink and purple with green spots all over.  At the back of the house I saw a bridge leading to a giant Oak Tree.  The tree had a door-like shape cut into the trunk.  It was weird.


“Did that house just laugh?,” I asked myself, confused.

“It sure did,” I heard Mikayla’s dainty voice up the pathway, “The house did just laugh.  That’s why we call it the Hilarious House On a Hill.  Was it tough riding up the driveway?”

“Yes, very.”

“Sorry, we haven’t yet smoothed out all the bumps and cracks, we have only been living here for a day and a half.”

“It’s fine.  Can I come inside?”

“That’s the whole reason why you’re here.”

I then walked up the stoney pathway that lead to the strange house.  Right when I walked inside I peered at a vintage pot sitting on a white and brown table.  It was gorgeous. “Wow,” I said.

“I know right, the only reason we moved here was because it came with all the original furniture.” Mikayla led me to the bridge that went across the oak tree.  “My room is inside the tree, cool right?”

I couldn’t talk.  I could only walk across the bridge in amusement.  We reached her room very quickly.  When we went inside I could see awesomeness.  

“Want to play with my legos?,” she asked.


After about half an hour of legos, it was my turn to pick what we do.  “Do you want to bake cupcakes?  I brought mix.”

“That sounds fun!  What kind are they?”

“Maple cinnamon with chocolate frosting.  They cake part is cinnamon and the filling is maple syrup flavored.” “Sounds great!” We headed into the kitchen and met Mikayla’s mom and her sister.  “Mom can Summer and I please make cupcakes?,” Mikayla asked very politely.  

“Why not?  But only if you share some with the family later.  Come on Marie, lets go somewhere where we won’t bother them.

A batch of cupcakes later, we decided to play outside.  “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH,” the house half screeched. “Looks like the house is back on its laughter streak,” I said with laughter. Mikayla was leading us to the highest window in the house.

 “Okay, time to jump,” she said in all seriousness.

“Time to what?”

“Time to jump!,” then Mikayla jumped out the window.  Was she crazy?!  I just followed after her for the experience.  Thankfully, I landed on a giant 15 foot trampoline.  “Wasn’t that fun?”

“That was actually less scarier than I thought it would be.”

The trampoline was the funnest part of the day.  We bounced and bounced.  We even played trampoline tag!  My favorite thing we played on the trampoline was when one of us would lay down and the other would bounce as hard as they could to try to get the other person to bounce really high.  Mikayla was the champion at that. 3 more hours past and it was time to go home.  I said goodbye and thank you to everyone and left on my bike.  I reached my house in under 20 minutes.  Once I got inside I told everyone about my amazing day.  And guess what they said.  “Wow.”

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The Adventures of Frank Bender, Chapter 1: Frank Bender’s Story

Frank Bender is a bent pen beloved by all.  He has a small family of 4 members.  There are: his little sister Pinky Pink Bottom, a cap eraser, his mother Mummy Sharpie Bender, his dad Papa Bender, and him, Frank Bender.  Their family was made out of capped pens, an eraser cap, and a capped sharpie.  Mummy Sharpie is a black sharpie.  Frank and Papa are blue-inked pens.  And Pinky Pink Bottom is a pink cap eraser.  Pinky Pink Bottom was also adopted.  She originally came from a family of pencils that made very few mistakes.  It turned out that they didn’t need her, so they set her out for adoption.  Pencils may be pens’ biggest enemies, but as soon as they focused their eyes on her, they knew she was the one they wanted.

             Frank was the only bent pen in the family. He liked that, but at the same time he didn’t. One morning he woke up with an ach in his back. He couldn’t get out of bed. He had to yell for his parents. Then his parents had to come upstairs with a paper wagon they made themselves to carry Frank in all day around town while they did errands. The only benefit about that was that Frank could draw pictures all day.  He loved drawing pictures.  That’s why he is an artists.  He also has a part-time job his parents gave him, guarding the recycling bin so that no pens would fall in.  He didn’t care if any pencils got thrown in, he only cared about pens.               

Frank is 19 years old.  He is turning 20 on October 4th 2017.  He loves his birthday.  Every year, the Ballpoint family (Frank’s aunt, uncle, and cousin) would bring over their famous Kentucky Style Chicken Noodle Soup.  That was Frank’s favorite meal.  Pinky Pink Butt was 4 years old.  She will be turning 5 on July 26th 2017. Mummy is 40 years old.  She will be turning 41 on January 1st 2017.  Papa is 43 years old.  He will be turning 44 on May 15th 2017.

Just as you were thinking, yes, Frank is pretty old to still live with his parents.  But where else would he live?  His jobs didn’t pay a lot- no one buys his artwork, and and his parents only pay him $5 a week to guard the recycling bin.  So far, Frank has earned $0 guarding the recycling bin.  To buy a nice house, (Frank figured this out on a piece of paper), it would take him about 30,000 weeks.  He had asked for something higher, but since he has been working for under a week, they don’t really know what he can do yet.  Frank likes both of his jobs.  But if he had to pick one to do for the rest of his life, he would pick to be an artist.  Maybe no one likes his artwork now, but someday, Frank knows that he will be the best artist to ever live!

Speaking of living, Frank and his family live on 321 Write-A-Story Ave Inkville PA 10210.  They live in a small “apartment” building (the “apartment” building is actually a few small holes in a classroom wall) with 5 apartments in all.  Since there are 5 apartments, their neighbors are the Ballpoint family, the Staple family, Dr. Gluegun (who lives alone), and the most cruel family in town, the Pencil family.  The other apartment on the floor was going up for sale.  The couple who lived there before, Mr. Mistakes and Mrs. Mistakes, have retired and needed a smaller space.  They moved to a 60 square foot house along Eraser Street.  Luckily, some new residents are moving in soon to that very apartment.  They are moving in tomorrow  and every one’s very excited.  It is a tradition for Frank’s family that whenever they get a new neighbor, they welcome them with a special meal.  This time they are making maple cinnamon cupcakes with triple chocolate frosting.  The cupcakes had maple filling and cinnamon cake.  Those might be the best thing they are ever going to make for new residents.  So, they are making 1 batch of 12 for their new neighbors, and 2 batches of 30 each for themselves.                        


El Capitan

El Capitan History                                           

El Capitan is one of the amazing sights in Yosemite National Park.  El Capitan is a beautiful rock formation.  El Capitan is spanish for “The Captain”.  The formation was named El Capitan by the Mariposa Battalion when it explored the valley in 1851.  El Capitan was once considered impossible to climb.  But, it’s not.  El Capitan rises above the ground at over 3,000 feet!


Why Should You Visit El Capitan?                                                                                                                                 The summit of the El Capitan can be reached by walking out of Yosemite Valley on the path next to Yosemite Falls, then going west.  If you are going to climb it, the challenge is to climb up the granite face.  The Nose is one of the original climbing routes up El Capitan.  If you get to the top of El Capitan, you have a good chance of spotting some Peregrine Falcons.  But if you don’t want to climb it, you could still have a lovely picnic at the bottom.  El Capitan is completely amazing, beautiful, and awesome!  


All information from


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My Valued Vacation

On August 6th 2016, I left in the car (with my family) to drive to Rehoboth Beach to meet my dad’s best friend. We call him Uncle Jack Pickles. He was going to let us stay in his beach house for a couple of days, and then we were going to drive down to my dad’s co-worker, Julie. She had a beach house in Rehoboth too.

On the way to the beach we were listening to music. We then stopped at McDonald’s for something to eat. Since this was the day after I got my retainer, my mouth was sore and hurting. I could barely eat. So, my parents let me take it out to eat, even though I am not supposed to. It didn’t help. I had ordered a sausage, egg, and cheese, and maybe some bacon, with the softest bread they had. I also ordered a sprite.

About 2 hours later we stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts to go to the bathroom. For some reason we did not get donuts at a DONUT SHOP! When everyone was done using the bathroom, we got back in the car and started driving. It was about 9:00 in the morning. I was tired of listening to my annoying little sister making noises that drove me up the wall. And every 2 minutes the GPS started telling us where to go. I was ready to get to the beach house.

FINALLY we arrived in Rehoboth at the doorstep of the house we were staying at. We rang the doorbell that looked like a crab. When someone answered the door, we stepped in and said hi to everyone. Next, we had to pick rooms. I picked a room with 2 twin beds, both with big white frames attached to the bed and went up. A tv hung on the wall in front of the beds. Beside the tv was a bathroom. Every bedroom had a bathroom. Then I jumped up and down on the bed for a little. The whole house had a total of 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. In my opinion, I think that my bathroom was the best.                                                                                                                                                                  Later on, we went to the beach. The beach we were at didn’t have that much seashells, and the ocean washed sand up onto our legs. When we were done with the beach we went out for pizza on the boardwalk. Then we went back home for the night. When we were all ready for bed, I jumped into my bed and put on some iCarly. I slowly fell asleep. When morning arrived I got out of my bed and hurried downstairs. I had yummy pancakes for breakfast. Then that day passed and we were onto the next. We had delicious donuts for breakfast. We ordered 24 donuts from the Fractured Prune. They were amazing. Jack got him and my dad a surfing lesson at a different beach than before. We had to drive to the beach for it. I rode in Jack’s Jeep. It had no roof. When we got to the beach, we had to pay to park. Then we were all done with paying and we got out of the car. The beach there was way better than the other one. It was worth paying for. No sand washed up on my legs. And there were TONS of seashells. I found a really cool whole one. It was round at the top and spiraled down to the bottom. It was pretty awesome. I watched my dad surf, but then when he was about to walk back to where it was deeper, 2 waves came on either side of him and smacked the fin of the board sliced right above his nose.  Then he went with a police officer to get band-aids.  But he never used the band-aids. We went to the arcade later, went on some rides, and then got some ice cream.  I rode on a ride that you would sit in and spin around in circles!  I was ready to go home, so I went back to the beach house early.  When everybody got home we all watched some of the Summer 2016 Olympics.  Then we all went to bed.

The next day I woke up and got really excited.  Today we were going to ride some paddleboards, ride some jet-skis, and then get on a boat.  Once we got to the place we were doing all of that, I played around with the jet-skis and paddleboards. Then I got on the boat. It was a pretty cool boat. I rode on there for a little and then I left with my dad for the rest of the time to ride a jet-ski.  We were on the jet-ski for a couple of hours.  My dad taught me how to drive it! We were trying to splash Uncle Jack Pickles, but instead he splashed us.  It was fun.  When it was almost dark I had to get back on the boat to dock it.  But when we reached the dock the boat ran out of gas.  We were stuck at that dock until we had some gas to get to the right one. Then the guy who owned the boat came in a car to drive us home for pizza.  We all ate pizza and went to bed.
The next morning we had to leave to the other beach house.  Once we got there we got out of the car, and went up to the apartment.  It wasn’t as big as the other house though.  It has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. But it was still fun.  We all went to the beach to play.  It was really fun. The next day we left to go home.  On the way we stopped at a souvenir shop to get something.  I got a shark tooth and a glass block with a little mermaid sitting on a dolphin.  On the front it said, Rehoboth Beach.  A couple of days before I got a sunhat on the boardwalk with a bow tied around it.  My vacation was fun.  I hope the next ones are fun too!                                                                                                                                                                                      img_4663

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My Amazing Avatar

My avatar represents me in many ways. Here is how it represents my uniqueness and qualities. My avatar has a cupcake and some hearts above its head because I love to bake. And cupcakes are my favorite things to bake. I like baking cupcakes because I like putting the icing on top of the sweet cake. I also like inserting toothpicks into the centers to see if they are done baking. My avatar has a bright blue necklace on because I like wearing necklaces. My favorite necklace I had is shaped like a teardrop with grooves circling into the middle wear there is some genuine white gold. I plan to wear the necklace for picture day. My avatar has an indigo colored dress on because indigo is currently my favorite color. I like how it’s purplish blueish color. I don’t have that many indigo colored things but, I still think that it is a nice color. My avatar’s hair is down because that is my favorite way to have it. I don’t really like having my hair up because it usually starts hurting and getting in the way every once in awhile. My avatar is holding a phone because I like playing on mine,texting, and I like playing music on it. My phone is gold, and it has a multi-color wallet like case. That is why my avatar is holding a phone. That is how my avatar represents my and what I like to do. Like my avatar? Make your own!     

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Once Upon a Yucky Toad

September, 9, 1869


Dear Mikayla,


Today was the weirdest day ever! It was so weird that I almost regret living it! Want to hear about it? Of course you do, because that is the whole reason I am writing this letter.


It started out when I was riding Flash around the prairie. We were racing tumbleweeds and lassoing everything that we saw. But then, I saw a big, fat, ugly vulture sitting on top of an old well. It was the ugliest thing I ever saw. So I tried to lasso its neck, but then a giant gust of wind blew through the arroyo, and knocked my brand new hat that Daddy got me off my head and into the well! That darn wind!


Then, this voice started speaking to me. It said: “Qué pasa, señorita?”  I thought that the stupid wind was playing tricks on me again, but it wasn’t. It was the 2nd ugliest thing I ever saw. It was a little, gross, horned toad. He said that he would get my hat, but, only if I gave him some chili, played my guitar for him, then let him sleep in my brand-new hat. Of course I rejected at first! But then, that ugly toad talked some sense into me. So, finally, I agreed to the bargain. The toad then climbed down into the old well and brought back up my hat. Then I quickly snatched the hat and rode off into the distance as fast as I could until I got back home.


A while later I heard some knocking on our rusted wood door. You guessed it, it was the toad. So I slammed the door shut. But then he was begging to come in when daddy came over. He politely let the toad in, and talked to me about keeping a promise. I then HAD to let the horned toad have some chili. When he was all filled up with chili, he wanted a lullaby, so, I got up, picked up my guitar, and played a cranky lullaby. It went something like this: “Little yucky toad stay awake, because I really don’t like you at all, now go back home, BECAUSE I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!” I played a horrible tune to go with it.


When he was ready to take a nap in my brand-new hat I was about to say, NO way partner. But then I remembered what daddy said about bargains. So then I flipped that slimy toad into my hat, but he wanted one more favor. A favor I automatically refused to. He wanted me to kiss him! I told him that a kiss wasn’t part of our deal. But, if I did he said he would be on his way pronto. Then I agreed. Anything to get rid of that nasty toad.


Before I could get rid of the toad spit on my face, a fierce dust devil came and spun that ugly in circles. Just then, when the dust had completely cleared, I saw a handsome prince standing before me. His name was Prince Maximillian José Diego López de España. Right when I was about to ask him how this happened, he explained. He said that many, many, many years ago he offended the great spirit of the arroyo. It wasn’t a wise decision. The spirit then put a spell on him and turned him into a horned toad. For many years he has been waiting for a cowgirl like me to free him. Muchas gracias for my freedom, he told me. I was still stunned with amusement. Then I stopped my trail of thoughts to tell him something. I told him that my daddy had read me a story about something quite like this. I told him about how we’re supposed to get hitched and ride off into the sunset. Then he said, Lo siento. Sorry, Reba Jo, when you strike a bargain in these parts, a deal’s a deal. Adiós, señorita! I was so upset. But then I understood what I did. It was fair and square. Then I went home to my padre to help make dinner and think about that handsome prince.


                                                                                                               – Next Time I’ll Think!?


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