April 25

The Lost City


Name: Sami S


Expedition Name Text Title
 Machu Picchu The Lost City


What do you SEE?

(Describe what you see using WOW words)

I saw big trees people buildings all kind of things you do not often see… an you will be lucky to be able to see  this wonder place…

What do you THINK?

(As you are experiencing VR tell your audience in detail what you are thinking using sequence words. First, Next, Last)

First, I saw some big trees and it looked like a jungle or a forest.. Next, I saw a building that was really cool because if it was tinier then you could maybe make it into a bird house and just because it looked like a bird house.. Last, I saw some people they were about to hike up the trail i think? I didn’t really see where they were headed up to but I thought this whole thing was cool…

What do you WONDER?

(During your expedition what are you wondering about? What questions come to your mind?)

I wonder why the houses are like that.

Adapted from Veronica Vox Mansilla @ProjectZeroHGSE


Text Connections


What did you SEE in the Expedition that you can CONNECT to the text?

(Be sure to cite specific examples from the expedition and the text)

There Were buildings that were really cool up close and its really cool.

How do you THINK the Expedition enhanced your understanding of the text?

(Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your response)

I think they didn’t show the trees and things that i really enjoyed in the book like they did in the VRs

What do you still WONDER after experiencing the Expedition and reading the text?

(Write a reflection to extend your thinking i.e. What are you still curious about? What more do you want to know?)

I still wonder why theres a limit on how many people are allowed on the trail at a time,


January 19

Tiger Essay

By Caden  and Samantha 

The tiger have stripes to blend in more because in Africa you can blend in more with the brownness. Tigers have big feet like a dinner plate to help pounce to their prey. Tigers can run very fast to help catch their prey. Tigers are only successful 10% to 20% of the time. Tigers also pounce to their prey by hiding in the grass. Tigers also have canine teeth so they can attack their prey. In the wild tigers will eat deer, pig and other mammals.Tigers are the biggest cats in the world.

There are less than 250 tigers left in the wild and there are less than 350 Sumatran tigers.Tigers have all different eye colors. The Sumatran tigers are an endangered species. Hunting is a big part of a tigers life. The Bengal tiger is the biggest cat found in India. Tigers usually have 6 cubs but they don’t have anyone to help the mother so usually only 2 cubs survive. Tigers homes are getting destroyed so people can make more roads and towns. Tigers are getting hunted for there fur. In India the population is growing three years ago there were 1706 tigers this year there are 2226 tigers. The tiger in India is the biggest predator. India is trying to help save the tigers. 100 years ago there were 10 thousand tigers in India.

Tigers lived on earth for more than 2 million years.

Information came from Discovery Education.com

December 27

We live in candy land!!

We live in candy land

By: Sammy.S and Caden.

We live in the gingerbread house. down candy lane just pass Mr. Gummy Bears house. Mr. Gummybear is such a nice guy. And he always gives us gummy bears to eat. We also have a neighbor and her name is Mrs. Smarty she is a very smart person she even wears glasses to prove she’s smart by the way  there fake glasses. Then there’s Mr. M&M He’s a fighter Then Mr. M&M has a neighbor  her name is Jawbreaker and she tries to break people’s jaws she’s very mean. Then there’s Mr.Hershey bar she’s the most best person in the world she’s super super nice. And then there’s Mr.sweet tart and he likes to play baseball he’s very good. We all go see him play baseball he lives next to Mr. lollipop he has a very big head. Then Mrs. Candy Hearts she gives lots of love. Then one day a  big monster came and ate Mr. Sweet tart and everyone was very upset and then the monster started eating all the good people and the candy land was evil land now and there was only bad people in the world, and then the world was blown up by Mr. M&M.

December 27

Why their is day and night

Day And Night

By: Caden And Sammy S.


Hi, i’m Sammy and Caden and we are going to tell you a imaginative , I hope you enjoy.


Once there was only day people were getting tired but there couldn’t take a nap when it’s all bright and colorful so there eyes were dying. In a far away land there was night but only for a little bit of the day. But nobody ever traveled there. But every one wants to go there, But they don’t know how to get there. They tried to swim there but it didn’t work then they tried to drive a bout there and that worked so almost everyone started moving there were 50,000 people living where there was only day but they moved to where there’s day and night But there was one person left there were there’s no night because everyone took the bout so that one person had to find another way to get there that person saw one little caner and he took that there. They were all so happy

The End.

November 18

Tiger Essay

By Caden  and Samantha 

The tiger have stripes to blend in more because in Africa you can blend in more with the brownness. Tigers have big feet like a dinner plate to help pounce to their prey. Tigers can run very fast to help catch their prey. Tigers are only successful 10% to 20% of the time. Tigers also pounce to their prey by hiding in the grass. Tigers also have canine teeth so they can attack their prey. In the wild tigers will eat deer, pig and other mammals.Tigers are the biggest cats in the world.

There are less than 250 tigers left in the wild and there are less than 350 Sumatran tigers.Tigers have all different eye colors. The Sumatran tigers are an endangered species. Hunting is a big part of a tigers life. The Bengal tiger is the biggest cat found in India. Tigers usually have 6 cubs but they don’t have anyone to help the mother so usually only 2 cubs survive. Tigers homes are getting destroyed so people can make more roads and towns. Tigers are getting hunted for there fur. In India the population is growing three years ago there were 1706 tigers this year there are 2226 tigers. The tiger in India is the biggest predator. India is trying to help save the tigers. 100 years ago there were 10 thousand tigers in India.Tigers lived on earth for more than 2 million years.

Information came from Discovery Education

November 8

Our ELA Class Goals

One of my goals is to be able to let other people see my blog and post from around the world, So they now how I’m explaining things that we do around our school. Another one of my goals is to be able to type my words faster and learn how to type the right words with out any mistakes so I can do better in qwerty town. My third goal is to do better in reading or spelling so I can do better in reading class. Because I’m good at math but not at reading that much. So I will try to do my best in all of these so I can make it possible…