April 25

The Lost City


Name: Sami S


Expedition Name Text Title
 Machu Picchu The Lost City


What do you SEE?

(Describe what you see using WOW words)

I saw big trees people buildings all kind of things you do not often see… an you will be lucky to be able to see  this wonder place…

What do you THINK?

(As you are experiencing VR tell your audience in detail what you are thinking using sequence words. First, Next, Last)

First, I saw some big trees and it looked like a jungle or a forest.. Next, I saw a building that was really cool because if it was tinier then you could maybe make it into a bird house and just because it looked like a bird house.. Last, I saw some people they were about to hike up the trail i think? I didn’t really see where they were headed up to but I thought this whole thing was cool…

What do you WONDER?

(During your expedition what are you wondering about? What questions come to your mind?)

I wonder why the houses are like that.

Adapted from Veronica Vox Mansilla @ProjectZeroHGSE


Text Connections


What did you SEE in the Expedition that you can CONNECT to the text?

(Be sure to cite specific examples from the expedition and the text)

There Were buildings that were really cool up close and its really cool.

How do you THINK the Expedition enhanced your understanding of the text?

(Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your response)

I think they didn’t show the trees and things that i really enjoyed in the book like they did in the VRs

What do you still WONDER after experiencing the Expedition and reading the text?

(Write a reflection to extend your thinking i.e. What are you still curious about? What more do you want to know?)

I still wonder why theres a limit on how many people are allowed on the trail at a time,


Posted April 25, 2017 by shollysbz in category Uncategorized

7 thoughts on “The Lost City

    1. shollysbz (Post author)

      Thank you bairt90/Ashley for commenting on every post I did if you didn’t already i commented on all of your posts i really like your posts 🙂 .

    1. shollysbz (Post author)

      I went to your blog so and I think i commented on all of them! I’ll try to post as soon as i make another story and i almost forgot to say thank yo:) for commenting on every single on of my posts Bye!!


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