My weekend

I’m going to be telling you about my weekend. So on friday we had a party and my friends came over there names are maddie and hailey and maddie slept over and hailey had to go. On monday hailey my best friend is going back to texas forever and i’m going to miss her but next year on summer were going to go visit her. We had so much fun with maddie we would sit in my bed and laugh.

So on saturday maddie went home and we played with logan. We rode to his house and back and then we rode bikes for a little then we went inside then we played a while later he wanted to go cause tomorrow he had to go somewhere so we stayed up and watched youtube on the tv. On sunday we watched infinity war and then we watched ant man and the wasp after that we went to olive garden. Then we went to the store. finally we went to the ice cream place. That is what i did over the weekend.