The Best part of me


The Best Part of Me

 By:Jade Serrano


The best part of me is my hair. The reason I picked my hair is because I can put it in different styles. I like to play with it. I like my bangs.


First, I can put it in different styles. I can put it in a braid.  Wearing my hair in a braid is my favorite way to wear it. I can brush it I like when other people brush my hair too because it feels good. .I like it long.


The next reason why I picked my hair is because I like to play with it. I like putting it in a ponytail. I  like putting it in a messy bun.I like putting it in a regular bun. It is a lot fun to style my hair in different ways.


Last, I like my bangs on my hair. Having bangs makes it  shady. I like it long. I like that it is wavy. I like my bangs because it blocks my forehead. If I didn’t have bangs I would be sad.


As you can see the best part of me is my hair. I can put in many styles.I like to play with it. I like my bangs.



  1. stoltztm · November 15, 2018 at 5:43 pm ·

    I like that you gave information why that is your favorite part of your body.
    I wonder what you second favorite part of body is.
    And why is that your second favorite part of your body?

  2. jade · March 6, 2019 at 2:43 pm ·

    My secound favorite would be my feet