My week


In clab. I did this as notes:Plateaus can form in many different ways like:

  1. Being made by lava flow.
  2. Being made by erosion.
  3. Being made by plate collision.

In Mrs. Hurds group I read a story and got a question and it was How do you make a  metamorphic rock? Anser: haet.

In Independent I read an article about stuff.

In clad. I did this: learned a lot about landforms. Let’s start with plateaus. Plateaus are a raised area that can be in many different places. Many plateaus are high and humid. Plateaus are used for grazing stock.Plateaus can be formed in many different ways like:

  1. Being made by lava.
  2. Being made by erosion.

In mis. Hurds gourp I read a story. In my group i went on compass learning.


I was at lason.I learned that Pterodactyl was not a dinosaur. In independent I did achieve300 It was a story about cars.


In clab. I write something.I read a story. In my work I did my spelling test and got 96%.

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