Setting New Goals…in May?

Mediamodifier / Pixabay

When people think of setting new goals, most people associate this with the beginning of the school year or New Year’s Resolutions. However, we should always be reflecting and setting new goals for ourselves, no matter what time of the year. With the summer and the start to Middle School just around the corner, it is important to finish these next few weeks strong and not become complacent.

Adventurous Wonders will be spending the last weeks of their sixth grade life making a new goal for themselves every week. These goals could be academic, social, character, new thinking patterns, etc. Of course there will be weeks that you meet your goal easily, other times it may take a little more dedication and work. In these moments it is important to not give up but to keep pressing on towards that goal. When you meet your goal with ease, don’t just throw the goal away, but keep reflecting and check-in with yourself to see if you are still meeting that goal.

At the end of each week, Adventurous Wonders will be reflecting on the goal they set earlier in the week. As you read about each other’s goals and reflections, you may feel inspired to set the same goal for yourself. This also gives you an opportunity to encourage others as they work toward meeting their goals.

What goal will you set this week?

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