My Story of the Titanic

 My Story of the Titanic                      

  My name is Conner Wade                                                                                                                   I’m in first class           

It all started. I was in my room and all va sudden I felt a big thud. I opened my door I rush was sinking! I thought to myself how is that poseidon wear on the Titanic it’s unsinkable!

I rush to all the rooms am got everyone out to a life boats,and but there was one room I mist I rusht,back to tat room there was only so long til the Titanic sunk completely.ed up to the top of the,Titanic and everyone was panicking. I went to the capen and asc what was going on,he said the Titani

One thought on “My Story of the Titanic

  1. i liked how sailed that you heard a big thump from the Titanic hinting the iceberg.
    I wished you would told me more about how you survived the Titanic disaster.
    I wonder why you said i got everybody out of the lifeboats when they should be on them.

    and please come visited my blog to.

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