
I’m thankful for God. God created all of us. He let there be night and day, birds and different creatures, the sun, stars, and the moon. He created everything you can see and more. He even works with every single person. For example, when I’m taking a test and don’t know what to do God helps me get through it. God is amazing. He even sent down his one and only son to die on the cross for us to save our sins. This is why I’m thankful for God. 

I’m Thankful For – Time

I’m thankful for time. Time lets you do anything. Good or bad. Time let me finish my work. It lets me have time to swim. Even though I don’t like school that much I’m still thankful that I have time to go. If we didn’t have time we would be lost. We wouldn’t know what time it is, when to finish our work, or even do something fun. That is why I’m thankful for time.

Drama Recommendation

I recommend the book Drama. It is a very good book. It’s about a girl named Callie, who loves theater but she can’t really sing. So she’s the set designer for the drama department’s stage crew. They are creating the production, Moon over Mississippi. But she has to figure out a way to finish her job in the play and deal with the outside drama.    

The Field Trip…

Going to Penn State berks was really cool. It felt like they actually wanted us there. The coolest part of the field trip for me was seeing the different art designs they had around the campus. I thought that was really cool because you could see the different projects that students made. I thought the stem challenge was very creative. It was awesome how we got to do it ourselves and the adults didn’t take over. I would like to know how many kids go there. Also how big is there art room? When I get older I would like to go to college. But the main part is I had a fantastic time.          

I’m Thankful for…

I’m thankful for my mom. She is always there for me when I need her. Every night she drives me to swim practice. She gives me food every day so I’m not hungry. Also she always gives me a roof to live under. Even when I get mad at her she’s still amazing and I love her. This is why I’m thankful for my mom. 

I’m so happy I can Read!!

I’m so happy I can read

I can read to my sister

I can read to a pet


I’m so happy I can read

I can read to everyone

And to anywhere yet


I’m so happy I can read

I can build

I can sing

And I just have to read


I’m so happy I can read

I can do things that I’ve never done before

It can make you happy it can make you sad

I don’t really know but…

I know I’m so happy I can read

Gordon Parks

            Gordon Parks is was my favorite person that we read about. He was my favorite because sometimes it was hard for him but he always tried nomader what it was he wouldn’t give up. I learned that I should always be honest and to help people that need it. It applies to me because at my house and everywhere else I try to be honest and help others. That is why I like Gordon Park the best.

Should farmers grow other plants? Yes or No

            I do but I also don’t. I do but I don’t because I think farmers should keep on growing proteas. But I also do think that farmers should grow other plants to. I think that because if the proteas doesn’t work than you have other plants to grow. So you always have some kind of plant! That is why I do agree but I also don’t agree.


Should Farmers Plant other Plants? Yes or No

            I do but I also don’t. I do but I don’t because I think farmers should keep on growing proteas. But I also do think that farmers should grow other plants to. I think that because if the proteas doesn’t work than you have other plants to grow. So you always have some kind of plant! That is why I do agree but I also don’t agree.


Stop killing Snakes- TED Talk

          My dad in the week when I’m getting ready for school he always looks up snakes. He says hey Mia we should catch this snake in florida! And I always say no because there a wild animal but also that’s there home. So I think people need to stop killing snakes that are in there home. But why do people kill snakes? Well see people just do it for parts of their body. Also if people keep on killing snakes their willn’t be any left. But as I said before they are a wild animal and that is there home. So I think you should stop. Plus they could kill you.

         As I said people just do it for parts of their body. One reason why is because people like to make money off of them. Also another reason is because some people just try to show off and act cool. And I don’t think that should be happening. So I think people should stop killing snakes.

         But if people keep on killing snakes their will soon be none left. And people are still killing them. So as I said their will soon be none left.But I do know that some snakes go other places an kill animals that are harmless. So yes, I think then you can kill that snake. Then stop. But some people just don’t stop and just keep on killing them. And that’s not ok. So you need to stop.

          Snakes are a wild animal. And just to let you know the more you kill them the more they want to kill you. And some say why do they want to kill us? Well you killed them and there home. So snakes want to kill you. But they will only bite you or kill if they feel threatened. There is more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world. I know that sounds like a lot but if people keep on killing snakes there will be less and less. That’s why snakes want to kill you.

          People have been killing snakes. And we need them to stop! People kill snakes for parts of their body. Also there is soon going to be none left. But can we stop killing them because that’s their home. What if a person came into your home and tried to kill you. ‘’So what?’’ Why is this important? Well let me tell you why. Have any of you had rats or mice any type of rodent in your house? Well see snakes eat those so if snakes eat them they will not be able to get in your house! Because they snakes at them! That is why people should stop killing snakes that are in their home!