March 7

free write 3/7/16

One day I was slithering around as a snake, and all of a sudden i was captured and taken away. I woke up in something moving with nothing to climb on or slither up. So i decided to go back to sleep. Later that day I woke up in a smaller cage beinging carried. I ended up going into a place with a lot more snakes. They all looked nice so I decided to try and talk with one of them. That didn’t work out so well. That is how it goes llike pretty much every day for me. I’m always on the cold side of the tank, I try to talk, and when we get fed I always get the smallest mouse even though I’m the biggest of them all. Also I get annoyed that I’m always on the side where eveyone is walking by, and al you can hear is them talking very loudly and trying to act like the anamals they see.

March 7

collobrative 2/22

The person that wants to become a president must be chosen a/the Political party. Every state has a primary for the election year. Mostly states hold a primary meeting some others would use different like secondary. When they all meet up and give speeches on who they want to succeed. Then they finally sent to the finals.


Each major political parties hold a national convention every year. Delegates from each state in the country goes there. Delegates from each country attend the convention. All the Delegates place a formal votes for their  parties. The person that’s running for president (candidate) whomever receives the most delegates votes and electoral votes oh and popular votes is now announced the new or there second term president.

Kyle : Red                          Tanner:Black                         Connor:Blue

March 7

Maniac Magee

I think that maniac Magee is a unique and he sound like a kid that I would like to be his friend. I would like to be my friend because I think he would be a good friend. My life would be so full of doing thing.

I think Maniac Magee is a nice person and different that other people. I would want him as a friend because I think if you would get to know him he would be a good friend and nice. Also because he seems to be nice to people. I think Amanda Laughed so hard because maybe she thought he might have been joking around and like just making up things.

Also maybe Jeffrey asked her if she was running away because maybe he thought about running away since he didn’t live with his parents and he thought he had a hard life and was thinking about running away. I think that Amanda laughed so hard because maybe she thought it was a joke. 

March 7

Free write 2/19

I would rather go sky diving because I think it would be a lot more fun than going scuba diving. Also because it would be cool to see the earth from a birds eye view. Another reason is because I always wanted to go sky diving. One bad part is that I’m afraid of heights. Another reason is that my grandpa was a sky diver and it always looked fun to me. Also my dad went sky diving with my grandpa once. Another bad reason is that I never been on an airplane in my life. That is why I would rater go sky diving that scuba diving.

March 1

Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo. What type of animal are you? How do you feel about being caged? How do you feel about people that visit and watch you?

If I was an animal at a zoo I would be a sea turtle. I would be a Sea turtle because they are soooo adorable  and also because they live in a very nice part of the Ocean . I would also like to be a sea turtle because I love the ocean and it’s so peaceful. Now, let’s get started on how I would feel to be trapped in a cage all day. If I was suddenly captured and taken away I would probably feel frightened to be taken away from my family.I would also feel sad and also feel that the situation was hopeless. Being trapped in a cage most of the day would be really boring. Most of the things I would do is wish I was back home free with my family in the warm salty Ocean.How would you feel if you were trapped in a tight cage that barely gave you any space? I know I wouldn’t like it at all.   Did I ever mention how noisy people are? When people visit me at at the Zoo They press their hands against the glass tank and while i’m sleeping all they do is “tap, tap tap” on the glass. I think that they should be a bit more polite. I wish I was back home free in the Ocean and I can go explore the Coral Reefs and relax by the seaweed. That’s how I would feel if I was trapped in a cage all day.

February 29

Free write 2/26/16

One day I was swimming in the ocean and then all of a suddenall the fish just started to swim away. i wandered why, but then I noticed they were swimming away from me. I tryed to convince them I’m friendly, but then they still didn’t listen. So I said “wait a minute I will convince you I’m friendly.” I also said ” I’m a nice shark and don’t eat fish like you.” Besides that I’m new around here.

February 22

What would america be like without the voting system?

What would america be like without the voting system? America would not be that much of a fair country if people couldn’t share their opinions freely. Also if we didn’t have a voting system the government would pick the president instead of it being fair to the citizens of the United States. The country would probably have less people living here.I wouldn’t want live in a country that wouldn’t allow me to vote on who is going to make decisions for my country.Would you? Of course you wouldn’t. First of all, America would have a lot of argument and a lot debates would be held.The president would most likely be mean, rude, and makes horrible decisions. This country would be total chaos without the voting system.You probably can’t even bare the thought of America without the voting system. Without the voting system in America some people might think that it’s not fair. Most people would want to move to a country where they could vote on a president that they think is fair. The people might even request a law for voting rights! That is my idea of how it would be without the voting system.

Georgina: Italic Connor: normal text

February 5

The Best Thing To Do On a Snow Day!!

The best thing on a snow day is to have a snowball fight. This is the best thing to do on a snow day because you get to hit your brother or sister in the face with a snowball.Another thing to do when you have a snowball fight is to build a fort or shield before you start the snowball fight. One other thing to do when having a snowball fight is act like it’s a war and get other people to have a snowball fight with you.  


These are good reasons because they are fun to do when you have snowball fight on a snow day. Some other reason why these are good reasons is because they get you outside and give you fresh air. Other reasons are that you pretend that you are in a war like the Revolutionary War or the Ci vil War. Also you get to play in the snow while there is no school. One other reason is when you come back in you get nice warm Hot Chocolate.


Other reasons are that you can hide behind snow and other things is you can barrage anyone in your family. Also you can freeze them until Summer time and keep them until you use them all. Also you can have an ultimate ice skating snowball fight. Also you can just have a awesome snowball fight. Those are the reasons we think that’s the best thing to do on a snow day.


Have Awesome Snowball Fights.

December 15

How is the movement of the pond water meaningful?

I think it’s meaningful because It is where the Tuck’s house is. I also think it is meaningful because Tuck said it was like life and the life cycle. Another reason I think it is meaningful because it is described as a very nice and calm place for Winnie and Tuck to talk. The last reason because it is part of the river that they drank ou of. That is why I think it is meaningful.

December 3

What is your reaction to tuck’s home? Is it a place where you would want to live? why or why not?

My reaction to tuck’s home is that it’s kind of old fashioned. I also kind of like that it is old fashioned. I would like to live there because I like old fashioned houses. Also I would like to live there because it is in the middle of the woods and it sounds like an adventurous place to be because I like adventures. That is why I would like to live in the Tuck’s house.