May 20

How is figurative language used to enhance poetry and its meaning?

Connor normal                                                                                Chris italics


Figurative language is used to enhance poetry and its meaning. By the things that it does and helps you kind of imagine it better when you see figurative language. Also it can enhance its meaning by it being there and you seeing what kind of figurative language it is. Also it helps you visualize what the poem is trying to tell you.


Some of the types of figurative language are Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Simile,  metaphor, and Hyperbole. These all can help you in poetry to help the reader understand what you are trying to say. Also they can help you know their meaning by it just being in the sentence so you can see it and try to understand what the meaning of it is. Also it can help you by just seeing the simile or metaphor.
Figurative language also can enhance its meaning when it is in poetry. It can enhance its meaning by you being able to know what it is. That can help you because if you know it then you know the meaning already, but you can enhance it by you try to make it better. Also you can enhance its meaning by putting a lot of figurative language in it.

Posted May 20, 2016 by oatmanweb in category Uncategorized

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