February 29

Free write 2/26/16

One day I was swimming in the ocean and then all of a suddenall the fish just started to swim away. i wandered why, but then I noticed they were swimming away from me. I tryed to convince them I’m friendly, but then they still didn’t listen. So I said “wait a minute I will convince you I’m friendly.” I also said ” I’m a nice shark and don’t eat fish like you.” Besides that I’m new around here.

February 22

What would america be like without the voting system?

What would america be like without the voting system? America would not be that much of a fair country if people couldn’t share their opinions freely. Also if we didn’t have a voting system the government would pick the president instead of it being fair to the citizens of the United States. The country would probably have less people living here.I wouldn’t want live in a country that wouldn’t allow me to vote on who is going to make decisions for my country.Would you? Of course you wouldn’t. First of all, America would have a lot of argument and a lot debates would be held.The president would most likely be mean, rude, and makes horrible decisions. This country would be total chaos without the voting system.You probably can’t even bare the thought of America without the voting system. Without the voting system in America some people might think that it’s not fair. Most people would want to move to a country where they could vote on a president that they think is fair. The people might even request a law for voting rights! That is my idea of how it would be without the voting system.

Georgina: Italic Connor: normal text

February 5

The Best Thing To Do On a Snow Day!!

The best thing on a snow day is to have a snowball fight. This is the best thing to do on a snow day because you get to hit your brother or sister in the face with a snowball.Another thing to do when you have a snowball fight is to build a fort or shield before you start the snowball fight. One other thing to do when having a snowball fight is act like it’s a war and get other people to have a snowball fight with you.  


These are good reasons because they are fun to do when you have snowball fight on a snow day. Some other reason why these are good reasons is because they get you outside and give you fresh air. Other reasons are that you pretend that you are in a war like the Revolutionary War or the Ci vil War. Also you get to play in the snow while there is no school. One other reason is when you come back in you get nice warm Hot Chocolate.


Other reasons are that you can hide behind snow and other things is you can barrage anyone in your family. Also you can freeze them until Summer time and keep them until you use them all. Also you can have an ultimate ice skating snowball fight. Also you can just have a awesome snowball fight. Those are the reasons we think that’s the best thing to do on a snow day.


Have Awesome Snowball Fights.