November 18

What is the best invention of all time and why?

I think electricity is the best invention of all time. I think this because if there was no electricity then there would be no lights or any computers to do anything on. Also I think it is because if there were no electricity no won would be able to play video games or watch`T.V. Another reason is we couldn’t have lights to see instead we would have to use candles to see in places. That is why I think electricity is the best invention of all time.

November 5

All about me Connor

Hello my name is Connor. I have 3 dogs and 5 cats. I don’t have any siblings. My favourite animal is a snake. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite football team is the Dallas Cowboys. I really like playing XBOX 360 and playing outside.  My favourite baseball team is the Philadelphia Phillies. I am 11. My birthday is May 18.