May 7

Crack the code



This is my story. The Capsule was gone Me and My detectives got clues Meny clues. In 2 day I was on the case I worked on a Directional lock I looked at theme which was RLLUD. Next man was Cameron for he was the 3 digit number lock. The number is Classified just kidding it was 520. The four letter word lock was TREE. The 5 letter word lock was THEME. The color lock was GWORB.

When we discovered it we found out that how hid it was Mikhail Gorbachev.

April 1

Back from the capital

In the capital the roof is made of GOLD and the shandalar’s are 2 TONS. We went on the marble stairs to take a picture and saw a speech. After the stairs we went on a tour in the capital.

We saw the House or where the House of Representatives work to make laws and approve them. If you don’t know there are 203 of them and 102 have to vote yes to pass the law. Then we went to the Senate room and the supreme court in the Senate there are 50 Senate members and in the supreme court the talk about how this law can be used or it needs to not be a law no more.

March 28

Escape from Alcatraz

It’s a night in the rock we say as Alcatraz prisoners say it as rock and Frank Morris and two others will escape for the rock.

Chapter 1 , The plan

It’s a wonderful day in California the sun is shining and the birds are singing, but in Alcatraz  it’s the morning 7:00 AM the prisoners wake up for breakfast. In Frank’s cell or Frank Morris he has a plan to escape the rock, but he knows it dangerous many have be recaptured or KILLED so Frank Morris plan is he will grab a spoon and sharpen it and use it to dig out into the maintenance shaft behind his cell he will crawl up to a platform with a ventilation shaft that leads to the roof then slide down the cloth to the fence he will cut the fence and inflate the boat made of raincoats and the rest is a mystery some say he got away some say he died in the bay.  

Chapter 2 , Morning recall

The morning in Alcatraz  The guards bang and whistle “GET UP SCRUB BAGS!”  said an officer loudly “BY THE CELL DOORS NOW!” said another officer.  Interesting fact in Alcatraz the officers check that everyone in the prison is here. Frank Morris was ready to start the plan, but one thing he might need a hammer in the workshop where this is a metal detector.

Chapter 3 , Breakfast  for the spoon

When the officer let the prisoners out they lined up for breakfast Frank Morris was one of the last out of his cell. He entered the mess hall got his food a sat Frank Morris knew there was a pat down or cell check for CELL BLOCK B today and he was in CELL BLOCK B and had to find a way to hide the spoon or he would go to the hole. He talked to one of his friends that also wanted to leave so when cell check came they will pass the spoon back and forth.

Chapter 4 , Cell Check for CELL BLOCK B

When cell check came around they started at Frank’s cell so Frank Morris passed the spoon to this friend. Cell after cell they could not get to the spoon the plan has worked. Now they had a question what if the could get away with all of this where would they go who will help them on the outside of Alcatraz? Well reader you will find out in the next chapter Visaton

Chapter 5 , Visaton 

Frank Morris knew how to call his family how could be trusted so one visaton day this brother came Frank Morris said ” I am planning to break out of this place can you help?” his brother said ” I don’t like breaking the law but I will think about it.” Frank Morris was hoping that this brother will join his side but he did not. His brother will not help in the getaway so Frank Morris stole a car to getaway.

Chapter 6 , Yardtime 

It’s 12:00 and it was time for the yard  where the most fight happen and Frank Morris will find out. When Frank entered the yard he was in a fight in 5 minutes. He was arguing with a ather prisoner then started to throw fists. Prisoners watch until a guard shoots his rifle and missed another rushed out “STOP THIS NONSENSE” the guard yells waving this baton. He takes both of them to the warden. The warden said ” This behavior is not welcome here I sent you to 48 hours in the hole” if you are thinking that’s not bad well you have to find out next time you read.

Chapter 7 , The Hole

Frank Morris was shocked the plan he had was breaking apart many people sent to the hole go CRAZY and 48 hours is a lot now I have to be in the dark cold wet hard hole. I had to I wish I never have to fight but the past is the past and the next 48 hours will be in the complete dark. Now the guard walked Frank the his cell for the next 48 hours and people say it’s hunted.

Chapter 8 , out and Escape

I finally got out of the hole and i’m ready to escape the wall is damaged and the raincoat raft is ready got the wire cutters now all we haft to do is escape. June 11, 1962 The escape is ready now it’s time he climbed in the shaft and said “boys you coming” in a whisper two other men climbed in but the fourth one way in was not ready and was left behind. They climbed up the the old lookout deck to watch prisoners and they had put heads real hair so the guards think their sleeping in tell the next day. They were on the roof and their was no turning back now they hid from the light above one almost caught them. They slid down the the cloth and got to the fence they used the wire cutters and cut threw and inflated the raft and sailed away.

Chapter 9 , Mystery

For the rest is a mystery they had found the raft and say they escaped.


March 20

My PSSA Packet

For the P.S.S.A. we get a packet to practice. If we complete 6 of the packets we get to go to a pizza party.

In my class you get something out of the prize bin. I got lunch date with a friend. 


March 11

What I got for Christmas

What I got for Christmas

I got a lot of gifts for Christmas and I want to share what I got for christmas. I’ll start with a family gift that we got a popcorn maker.

Now i’ll tell you what I got for Christmas first I got a PS4. Next I got PS4 games I got NHL 17, City undercover, Minecraft story mode and Fortnite.

After I got the PS4 and games I got a Antarctic lego. Also I got a speaker and bluetooth headphones. My last gift was a police lego a prisoner transport truck.

March 9

The Best Part Of Me

The Best Part of Me

By: Ian Norotsky


The best part of my is my eyes. I picked my eyes because I like to see so I can be defense. My eyes also help me to see the hockey puck. My eyes also help me to watch my teammates play.


The first, reason why I picked my eyes is because I can be defense. I like to keep the puck away from the goalie. I like to help my team.  


        The second, reason why I picked my eyes is because I like to see the hockey puck. I like to watch the puck go into another the net. I need to be able to see the puck so I can pass the puck and I need to keep my eye on the puck.

The last  reason is so I can see my teammates play. I can see if one of my teammates get hurt. I also like to watch my teammates score. My last reason is so I can keep scores.


As you can see the best part or my is my eyes. My first reasons is so I can be defense. Another reason is so i can see the hockey puck. My last reason is so I can see my teammates play.