May - 29 2018

   a gorill comes close.             It seems so spooked                   It looks like a big blackberry

Jan - 18 2018

Dec - 04 2017

what i want to be when I am older is I want to be a MLL player and I also want to go to syracuse university to be a  orthopedic surgeon. If that job does not work out i want to be a anesthesiologist. But i really want to go to syracuse university and play lacrosse […]

Nov - 03 2017

The past couple of weeks we have been learning about global goals. My partner and i have made a web site to help the animals on land and save them for the next generation.

Sep - 28 2017

I just started reading a book called the Fiji Flood and it is a really good book so far so what it is about is a family that goes to Fiji and its raining really hard and they have to figure out a way to go to the island. i really like the book so […]

Sep - 18 2017

My goals for writing is to improve at writing and spelling in my writing. i also want to improve at writing letters and writing samples.

Sep - 18 2017

This weekend i going to a lacrosse game with my brother and his friends. the game is Hopkins vs Syracuse. They are my favorite teams. They are also rivles. I am going to cheer for Syracuse. I think will be a good game. I am looking forward to it

May - 21 2016

11 more days left in school and 3 of those are half days!!! I am so exited for summer. Summer is going to be fun this year because i am playing my favorite sport all summer and i get to go to Virginia at the end of summer. And the best part of it is […]

May - 13 2016

Today we are having are dress up day I am dressing up as Batman. We are also having are ice cream party so i’m petty exited for the  party I also like ice cream. I cant wait for it! there is many toppings is is awesome! I beat we all like ice cream even the […]

Mar - 30 2016

My Easter vacation was fun. I did lots of things over vacation i went to my grandmothers house. Also I had a Easter egg hunt. I got lots of candy it was awesome. I had a blast over Easter brake I got video games. The games i got were Fallout Four, The Division, and Titan […]

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