
Sharks eat many things like plankton and sea lions they even eat other sharks sometimes.  Some things sharks eat are plankton, fish, other sharks, seals, mollusks, crustaceans. Large species of sharks eat marine mammals such as dolphins, and porpoises,as well as large fish species such as tuna, mackerel,and even smaller shark species.

                                             Sharks live in many different habitats because the habitat depends on the shark species. Sharks are cold blooded, but there are sharks living in warm waters, temperature  and cold waters. That is understood that sharks are going to areas that are deep enough that they are well hidden. This allows them them to swim freely around in the body of water. Of course they need to reside where they can find enough for them to survive.

                                   There are many different species of sharks which  some species of sharks include Great White ,Tiger shark,Whale shark,Bull shark,Hammerhead,Goblin shark,Mako shark,Blue shark,Lemon shark,Basking shark,MegaMouth shark and many more species of sharks