Anthony 's Blog

Just another site

May 31, 2018
by lamanna942

“is online shopping bad for you

I think internet made shopping easier because people that don’t want to go out shopping can shop online. People say that because it is hard for you to choose which thing you want. The first shopping mall opened in Minnesota in 1956. A lot of stores are closing down. “Robot technology will continue to improve.”

May 23, 2018
by lamanna942

school uniforms


I think we should wear uniforms because we should represent New Holland Elementary. First of all uniforms would make getting ready for school so much faster and easier. Plus if we could stop paying so much attention to clothes we could focus more on our schoolwork and getting an education is the whole point of school right? Uniforms could also make New Holland Elementary



Some kids would be self conscious and uncomfortable all day long. But  even kids who feel ok in uniforms would be self conscious and uncomfortable all day long. But even kids who feel ok in uniforms would be losing their freedom of expression.You suggest that wearing uniforms might cut down on tardiness. I guess that’s possible but the negative aspects of wearing clothes that as you put it you don’t get to choose vastly outweigh the benefits of improving punctuality.


December 5, 2017
by lamanna942

All About Me

Anthony My Birthday is September 12th 2005 im 12 years old. My Favorite food is pizza because it is the best food in the world. My favorite activities is to watch Football and Basketball outside in recess. My favorite tv cartoon is Tom and Jerry because it’s funny when Tom gets hurt by Jerry. My favorite Doughnut is Pumpkin Spice and Glazed. My favorite subject in New Holland Elementary School is Math, and Reading. My favorite State is New Jersey Because i lived there my whole life. My favorite toppings on a pizza is peppers and onions. My favorite famous singer is Charlie Puth. My favorite candy is Life Saver Gummies.

December 4, 2017
by lamanna942

Career Essay

Anthony Lamanna                        Computers networks are critical parts of almost every organization. Network and computers systems administrators are responsible for the day today operation of these networks. Employment of network and computer systems administrators is projected to grow percent from 2014 – 2024 about as fast as the average for all occupations. Employment of network and computer systems administrators is projected grow 6% from 2016 – 2026 about as fast as the average for all occupations. Explore resources for employment and wages by state and area for network and computer systems and administrators.

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