January 19

WEEK 18 journal entry project

journal entry 1

at grandmas kind of excited but really missing my best friend. we obviously did our annual letter writing, its all ways fun. something to look forward too, but for some reasons Monday isn’t acting normal. isn’t sending how much and frequents she usually does, but i think im good for now. know i shouldn’t worry, i just got here i shouldn’t expect something straight away. so i will keep journaling but ill update you if something happens.

journal entry 2

still no message, weird cause ive been here for some time, and this definitely isnt normal but you never know. maybe she actually is living a life, busy, busy enough to not respond but its fine. but i am starting to get worried, but also im feeling lonely, and i dont know what to do. me and her love this why wouldn’t she be answering, ok i will defiantly update again if something happens but this is only week 2 so lets not get ahead of ourselves right, right?’


journal entry 3

i just got home from the month at my grandma and still no update, this is definitely not normal. my mom is telling me not to worry but it have been three plus weeks, now im getting worried. i dont think my mom knows she is my only friend so when she is doing this, i am lonely no friend only Monday. the first day of school is in one week and no update if she is not there for the first day of school i might die, just imagine a lonely person no friend and their only friend is missing and no one cares enough to look or find answers. i will update after the first day of school to really find out what is happening.

journal entry 4

AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL NO UPDATE AND NO MONDAY OR BROTHER TUESDAY. this is outrageous, i was one lonely girl on my first day. looking my best ready to match and look good together me and monday. but guess what, NOPE no sign, and the worst part is no one cares, i ask and no one is worried, its the weirdest thing ever. so i decided to visit Mondays parents house. my parents wouldnt have approved so sneakily i arrived in the projects in the apartment complex. she was really rude, she didnt answer my question but rudely told me off and pushed me. this is extra weird i gave it a month but now im scared, what if something bad happened i mean even her mom isnt worried and not only is Monday gone but her brother also, i will tell you now mark my words i will get to the bottom of this no matter what.

January 19

week 17

i will be  talking about poverty today, i terrible problem that effects all. poverty is bad but in 3rd world country’s it can get so much worse. but today i will be talking about poverty in the USA, including all states with Alaska and Hawaii. in 2023 the poverty guidelines for the 48 states and the district of Columbia, in a 1 person household $14,580 is the poverty guideline. but in Alaska it is $18,210 and in Hawaii it is $16,770. so that’s a little representation of how people in poverty can live like in the USA.

what would you do to solve poverty in the USA? and how would it work or not?



January 19

week 14

today i will be talking about obesity, a horrible thing that can happen to a person but can also effect all. obesity is if you have excessive fat, so much that could lead to health problems. this effect everybody kids babys teens adults, the chart below shows how BMI and weight status works. this determines if you are obese and how severe it is and how it works. but luckily with professional help if you are concerned about this then you can get help and management so this doesn’t effect you worse. if you had obesity could you manage, could you get healthy again?



BMI Weight status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal
25.0-29.9 Overweight
30.0 and higher Obesity


January 19

week 16

in my book i feel and probably other readers too feel a lot of different emotions. sad and confused when our main character talks about Monday being her only friend and her not being there on their first day of school. but her and her mom not trying to worry cause why misses the first day no big deal. then you gets confused and curious what is really going on, weeks go by and no sign, her mom isnt giving any clues and she was quite mean when confronted about the missing Monday. so throughout the book you get happy cause you think oh she might have a lead then nope, dead end. then sad when you find the worse news, but still having hope. till you find out the bearing truth. she was dead all this time you’ve been looking for a dead girl. sad and horrified what happened to a young girls bestfriend. but i think i will do a t-shirt representing the book and its characters.

January 19

week 12

poverty, I’m writing about this big but pretty sensitive subject cause its one of the biggest problems in the world not the states the world. and in recent years like 2020 and further it has interrupted everything in the economy. people lost jobs and couldn’t get them back it was so bad that the government had to bring stimulus to help the population get by. 75 to 95 million people could be in poverty in 2022 compared to pre covid-19. For 25 years, the number of people living in extreme poverty on less than $2.15 per person per day.



January 19

week eleven

for me and my book I picked Monday is not coming, by Tiffany D Jackson. i love this book. its a great mystery book with elements of young clueless teens. but I like this book cause of that, a dedicated friend to finding her 1 and only best friend. using everything she can to not be alone this school year. so the whole book she tries to find her suddenly missing friend. only in the end to find Monday and her brother Tuesday dead, in someone’s freezer. obviously this is hard for our main character in many way telling this but also she is so young. so in conclusion that is why i like this book sad but adventurous.

January 19

week ten

this article i will be using today talks about substance abuse and the dangers and statistics that come with it. some people think drug abuse is sometimes a choice. yea it is but also a lot of things can play into it. substance disorder can be like a sickness with symptoms and everything. but also can be passed down from family and such. and when that comes into play it can effect and hurt you way more than usual. symptoms can include feeling that you need to use regularly. having intense urges for drug use or that feeling. and failing to attempt the quitting of said drug. now i ask you the reader how would you quit or stop an addiction of this sort, and do you think it would work?



November 4

book report: playlist

this song is about a guy finding god. he finds god to pray to cause he saw the best in him. the people around him did the opposite and he didnt appreciate that. so he is just explaining his storys of finding god. and he is happy and proud of himself for doing something so powerful.

this song is about a guy giving himself to jesus and god. to let them control his life so he can have the best life god is to offer. he is very passionate about this action and moment. from his singing it is very thought through and very meaningful. with other people chiming in to create a choir.

this song is the most unique out of the 6. it is a clean song about praising god. i think its meant for parties or for kids to enjoy. since kids now like rap type of beats and styles of singing. so this is just a song with a dance to make praising easier and more fun while you doing it.

i do not know if this song is clean but it is a great song by Kanye the popular rapper has infact turned over his life to Christ. its bad timing but i had to cause its music i listen to. but this song is Kanye’s story of being a popular music star. but not having the lifestyle of one.

this song again is by Kanye west but its different. this whole album is inspired by Kanye and his devotion to Christ. this song he says to use to get closer to god. also to encourage people or his fans to do as he did in hard times. and he is very happy maybe not now but as making music and learning more and more about christ and what he has said, he has changed as a person in music and outside of it.

again with this album but this is perfect for me. this album is all about kanye and his journey. i know i have said it before but they all are about spreading and teaching the gospel. but they are in different ways and for people who don’t know about it but they listen to this type of music. also kanye has done so much after converting. like opening churches and really committed to the life of christ.

October 25

week 7

so my book is still hard. luckily I’m getting the hang of reading a more advanced book and trying to read it well and carefully. I’m not focused on learning every single name but it still bothers me that there is so much to remember or keep track of in not even 3 chapters. and chapters in the bible are way shorter than you might think, 1-2 pages is maybe 1 chapter. but I’m understanding and actually enjoying and looking forward to reading. I do recommend the book to anyone who wants to learn about religion or maybe is considering religion. but if you don’t like that stuff I can force you, but if you are be prepared and be dedicated. I think I might try a info graphic but I am not settled yet but this is my probably choice.

October 25

week 8

school is hard, especially for me, sometimes people can be good at school. people who work hard and are dedicated to having a good future. don’t get my wrong I want to have a bright future but school stresses me out. especially when trying to augment my grades and hard times. at times I do realize how valiant i have to be, working hard at short times doesn’t always workout. i can rely on dumb tactics to get me by. but i also don’t realize the severity of not getting good grades in high school, arguably my most important grades. after knowing how much time i might have till a deadline i devise a great plan to boost my grade at the last minute. so in further times that this might happen i will have to tread lightly when doing work.