September 20

About Me

My name is Elise K and I live in Pennsylvania that is in the USA.  Alao these are some of my hobbies: blogging, typing, softball, gymnastics, trumpet and piano.  These are the people that I live with:  My older brother, little brother, Mom and my Dad.

I started playing softball when I was on kindergarten and I was inspired by softball because I used to play in my back yard with my older brother and he played baseball and I liked doing that so I started to play softball.  Then I knew how to play well and I could play better when I was in my backyard with my older brother and my Dad.

I am in 4th grade and I play the trumpet and I am not in the Cadet Band, which that is where beginners are, and I am supposed to be in there because it is my first year playing the trumpet and I am only in 4th grade.  I am in Spartan Band which is supposed to be for 5th and 6th graders.  I got into Spartan Band because I practiced over the summer and I got really good so I wasn’t really a beginner anymore and that is why I am the only 4th grader in the DISTRICT! to be in Spartan Band.

Also, I like to collect rocks from my driveway.  It is not solid gravel so it is packed down rocks and so I can pick out awesome rocks that I find.  I also collect shells when I go to the beach.  I especially like bigger purple shells.  They are more rare than regular curved tan-ish shells.  I still like to collect those but I rather find purple shells.

I started blogging in 2016 Student Blog Challenge.  Now I am really good at blogging and I enjoy talking with people from around the world and especially because I can type and do it on a  computer.  I also like to comment on other people’s blogs because I get to know more about them too and I can also make friends with all people from around the world.

Gymnastics is one of my favorite sports and I live to watch it on the Olympics.  I started doing it when I was 4 years old!  I love Gymnastics because I get to do things that a !LOT! of people cannot do!  Another reason why I love gymnastics is because I someday would like to be like Simone Biles maybe!!!  She is really good at gymnastics and I keep getting better and better!


In your comment, please list all of your favorite things and hobbies as well so that I can learn more about you!!!