November 1

Ivy Placafrey

Ivy          Placafrey

Ivy Placafrey lives on a planet that has the same name as her last

name, Placafrey.  This is  because it was named after her great-great grandfather who was the leader of WaterClan, the Clan she lived in, when he found the planet.

She was very lucky, as she thought, because on her planet, she lived in Clans, which were very much like neighborhoods or communities. Also, she thought that she was lucky because on her planet , every single plant is green, except for a VERY rare flower that was pink and it was called the Water-Fire flower so it lives on the Water-Clan and Fire-Clan territory.


Since she had the Water-Fire flowers near her house, she had the responsibility to keep them alive.


While she was coming back to Silverstream through the Jungle that was near her house, she noticed how much trash that was around her house, probably from the Fire-Clan people, so she ran inside and told her Mother.


“Mom, why do people have to throw so much trash on the ground?  That just makes more work to keep all of the plants and animals alive especially the Water-Fire flower,” said Ivy.


“How about you go out and tell the people that throw the trash out onto our lawn your opinion about how things might die,” her Mother replied.


“I guess you could be right…  I am going to go and start cleaning up that trash outside,” she sighed and walked out the door.


Then she looked at all of the trash that was all over her lawn and sighed once again but picked up her trashcan and got to work, picking up all of the waste.

It really wasn’t that fun to pick up things that are not necessary that she had to pick up.  She thought that this was very unfair to her.


She thought that she should do something to Fire-Clan to teach them a lesson about not throwing trash onto other people’s lawns, but she knew she would get in trouble for that and her Mother would surely scold her.

Finally, Ivy had finished picking up all of the trash and now she felt really really tired.  So she went inside to help her Mother with the dishes.

It had been about an hour that Ivy was working outside and she offered to help her Mom, but she replied,”Oh Honey, you have been working so hard outside you should take a little rest, but thank you for offering.”  So of course she didn’t argue because honestly that is what she wanted to do.  


While she was sleeping, she had a really weird dream and it was about the Fire-Clan and Water-Clan making a peace treaty and not throwing trash onto other people’s lawns and being nice to each other and sharing things. She was so amazed in what happened in her dream, when she woke up she wondered whether she could actually make a change in her world and maybe get that dream she just had to come true in real life!!!  She was super excited and ran out the door like she was a baby chick just learning to fly so happily.  Then she started to slow down and went into her whole area of Silverstream and picked up every single little piece of trash that she could see.


Now that she has picked up all of that trash, she thought she should just take a little walk in the wilderness around her area of Silverstream.  She loved the places around her house because she loved to explore and find interesting places.


Soon enough she stopped….. She had heard a strange sound.     Ivy knew that there were coyotes around the jungle, but she had never actually never got in touch with one herself.  So she tried to get it out of her mind and just started walking again.  Suddenly, she heard it once again but a lot closer this time.

She was starting to get worried so it wasn’t a really fun trip anymore it was a more frightening chase.  So she started running as fast as she could and hoped that the coyote wouldn’t notice.

Then, Ivy looked back while sprinting still and saw the coyote look up at her and started the chase.  Now that she was so frightened, she picked up her pace another notch and ran like she never did before.


After she got home she ran inside and locked the coyote out and told her Mom all about it and never went in that jungle by herself again and still dreamed to change her “trashed up world.”

                                                   By Elise K


Posted November 1, 2017 by krock950 in category Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “Ivy Placafrey

  1. Mr. Geiman

    Hello Elise. I really enjoyed learning about Ivy Placafrey. I never knew anything about before I read your post. I wish you could continue to add more stories to your blog so visitors from around the world can enjoy reading your amazing work. I wonder what made you write such a fantastic story about ivy?

  2. krock950 (Post author)

    Hi Mr. Geiman and thank you for commenting on my blog! I am trying to add more posts and I hope that you will like them! Mrs. Dissinger told our class about the create a character response and I just thought that Ivy should be on a different planet and I just kept writing! It was all because of your amazing help with me last year to create an awesome story!
    Please come back and comment!!! See you next time!


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