Literature Circle Books

Answer the following questions about your literature circle book ( “Maniac Magee,” “Surviving the Applewhites,” or “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”).

“Maniac Magee”

What kind of person do you think Maniac Magee is? Would you want him for a friend and why?Why do you suppose Amanda laughed so hard and began to lose her balance when Jeffrey asked her if she was running away? (pg. 11) Why do you think he was puzzled by her reaction?

“Surviving the Applewhites”

What is the “Creative Academy” and how does Jake Semple end up going there?   List all the members of the Applewhite family and explain what each of their talents or jobs is. Why does E.D. think she is different than the other Applewhites? What are they like? What is she like?

“Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry”

Why is the land so important to the Logans? Why is Miss Crocker so pleased with the old, dirty books? Why does Miss Crocker say Mama is “biting the hand that feeds” her? Why does Mr. Grimes, the bus driver, go out of his way to get the black children dirty?


Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Make sure to answer ALL parts of each question. This assignment is due 2/26. Happy Writing!





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