Write about your partners favorite memory!

You’re probably thinking, how can I write about my partners favorite memory? Over the next week, you will get to know your partner’s favorite memory by asking them interview type questions. Come up with a list of questions that will help you write about their favorite memory. Once you have the answers to all of your questions, you can begin writing!

As always, this entry must be AT LEAST 3 paragraphs in length. Can you do more? Absolutely! This is due March 4, 2016.


Happy Writing!

2 thoughts on “Write about your partners favorite memory!

  1. Hello Miss.Hecker!
    My name is Skylar from All Things Quebec and on my blog, I have written a post from your great idea! Its not exactly the same concept as you because I did not actually ask of my friends, it was all just me! I also wrote a little bit about peak experiences that are my favorite and I connected that to my favorite memories. If you would like to go see it, I`ll leave the link to my blog!
    Here’s my blog: http://skylaronlinem.edublogs.org/

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