Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo. What type of animal are you? How do you feel about being caged? How do you feel about people that visit and watch you?

Think about the class book that we are reading, The One and Only Ivan. Think about how Ivan and Ruby feel about their “domains.” Use this and your imagination to answer the above prompt.


Responses must be AT LEAST 3 paragraphs in length. You must work with the same  person(s) you worked with last week.  Be creative and happy writing! I am excited to read these!

This is due February 19, 2016.


Howletts 056 Willard via Compfight

2 thoughts on “Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo. What type of animal are you? How do you feel about being caged? How do you feel about people that visit and watch you?

  1. Hello Im Preston :
    I would be a wolf because at the zoo where I go they have a really big cage and there’s alot of things that they like in there. I would’nt feel good about being caged because I can’t see nature since I’m stuck in a cage. I would’nt mind if people would watch me since the zoo closes at night so you can sleep in peace.

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