24 thoughts on “Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How does he or she inspire you?

  1. My mom is the most inspirational person life. She inspires me because is can make beautiful flower arrangements. She can cook and bake tons of good food. She likes the same things I like. She is good at sewing and knitting this inspires me that I can do it to. She can help me with my homework and reports. This is why mom inspires me to be just like her when I grow up.

  2. The most inspirational person in my life is my is my mom and grandma. My mom inspires me because she is always kind and has a lot patients and I have a little patients and can be kind but not like her. She also cooks the best food and I would love to have her teach me how to cook like her. She is also loving and I barely can love my sisters. My Grandma inspires my because she also has a kind heart and a loving one to. She also cook great. Also she has a great deal of feeling for others and likes to spoil my sisters and I.

  3. The most inspirational person in my life is my Uncle Andre. My Uncle Andre is the most inspirational person in my life because he always makes a bad day a happy day. He is also inspirational to me because he will never let you down. If you ask a big favor he will never forget what your favor is. Another reason he is inspirational to me is he is always around even if he is far away. For example if you are hurt and he is in a total different part of the state of where you are at he will come for you. My uncle is also inspirational because I think he is the best dad he can ever be to my cousin. Another reason why my uncle is inspirational is because he is an awesome person and he does a lot of good things for people. That is the most inspirational person.

  4. The person that inspires me is my Aunt Veronica because she doesn’t let anything stop her. She has many people in her life that said that she can’t do anything. She is a nurse and that is one of the possibilities of one of the things that I would go to collage for. She may have trouble with something but she tries her best to do it. She has some friends that just use her for an opinion and I can relate to that. She has never given up on something that she wanted to do. She will never ever stop being as kind as she can be. She will always be an inspiration to me. Another person that inspires me is my Uncle Andrew (Drew) because he is a Chief in the U.S Navy and he never gives up in his dreams. He will never stop being one of my inspiration.

  5. The most inspirational people in my life are my parents. My parents inspire me to do my best and do well where ever I am. My parents inspire me to do my best because when anyone does their best they get a good grade in school get honored. My parents want me to do my best and get good grades in school. I would want to do my best and try to do good to be honored. That is one inspiration my parents inspire me. Another inspiration is to do well where ever I am. I like to do well, but sometimes I can’t if it is hard or no time. I love when I do well and my parents sometimes honor me but sometimes they honor me for other things. When my parents honor me I thank them for what they honored me with. My dad inspires me a lot. My dad inspires me to listen to what people say and be kind and careful. He inspires me to listen to anyone because everyone want to learn something new. He says to me that I should a ways listen. That is what my parents inspire me.

  6. My dad is the most inspiring person in my life because I have been playing soccer for 7 years and when im on the field he says go Derek. When someone else does good he says great job and he is awesome. He wants to kick the soccer ball with me and wants me to do well in soccer and wants me to play on good teams. Thats why my dad is the most inspiring person in my life.

  7. My most inspirational person in my life is my dad. My dad inspires me to be whatever I want to be when I grow up like if I ask my dad who will I be when I grow up he says “Times will tell”. Also my dad inspires me to never give up and I know this because he has been working in the army for 8 1/2 years and he is now retired the army and now he is with us I am very happy of my dad for doing that for our country and world. Also my dad is a inspires me is because he does what’s right and not wrong in my eyes.

  8. My big cousin, Heather inspires me. Heather inspires me because she played volleyball in college, she has a job,and she is getting married. My big cousin, Heather inspired me so much that when I get into college I want to play a sport. Heather also inspires me because she gets really good grades in school and does great in work (she is an architect). That is who inspires me and why.

  9. The most inspirational person in my life is my mom. It’s my mom because she has dealt with lots of drama through time and she has dealt with sadness so well and she has taught me how to deal with hard times and teach me that people around the world are in worst situations than I am at that moment. She has gone through pain with mentally and physically with her having surgery and my grandma [her mom] having surgery and cancer. My mom is also my inspiration because she cares about everyone and anyone.
    That’s why my mom is my inspiration.

  10. My dad. Whenever we do something I probably saw my dad do it before. He teaches me all of the stuff I need to know. Like he taught me how to fish, hunt, football, baseball he is a great dad. I now play football and whenever I get back from a game he always has something else to tell me.

  11. The most inspirational person in my life my sister. She tells me to work hard in school, she usually checks over my homework, and she does a lot for me. So that is why I think she is the most inspirational. A lot of the people I know (friends) don’t even know I have a sister. My sister also helps me do better in school, she encourages me, and cheers me on. She also likes to eat snickers, which is my 2nd favorite candy, but that is off topic so I will get back on topic. My sister is 25, shes been to college, so she knows all the math problems i do, if i get one wrong, she will make me fix it until l get it right. She inspires me so much, I think i took all of her inspiration from me right out of her. (if she has any) but the point of having a sister is for her to care for you in life. She watches me practice my spelling words, she watches me at home, plays football and video games, and she is a really nice person. if I were older and she was young, I would care for her the same way she does. and the last reason I think she is inspirational is because she does everything I cant. She can reach high (not too high shes just a little taller than me) she can run (she ran a half marathon in Philadelphia.) and she loves eating home cooked meals like me. I know some of this stuff is my personal stuff, but I needed to mention this stuff because she is my favorite sibling and she is the best role model a kid could ask for.

  12. The most inspirational person in my life is my mom. My mom inspires me because shes very strong through tough times. She is very responsible, and is caring. My mom is always willing to help and teaches me life lessons.. a lot. Also, she’s been through so much and keeps a smile on her face, even in the hardest times. That’s who inspires me in my life and why.

  13. Travis Pastrana is the person that inspires me. The main reason hat he inspires me is because i love to ride dirt bike and he is a BOSS at riding dirt bike. That is who inspires me.

  14. My uncle inspires me, because he is so nice and fun. He takes me to places that are things i love to do. Like one time he took me to a NBA basketball game. I really wont to be in a professional sport teem, and he got a scholarship to NFL football. He went to college at pen state witch is my dream college. he has a basketball court at his house. Which is awesome, he even has a movie room down in his basement. He has things that is thing that I love. His job is a high school basketball coach. So he can be at basketball everyday. Awesome am I right. So when i’m older I really want to be like my uncle.

  15. My Dad. My dad inspires me because he gets a lot of work done and he always does what he is told to do at work. He also does tings like, spending time with family members, archery, does things with his best friend Dave, and other things. He makes my favorite food every week and its hamburgers! I think my dad is the best (opinion). And that’s the person who inspires me.

  16. The most inspirational person in my life is my mom and dad. They are inspirational to me because they teach me what life is about and my manners and everything I know. They have taught me life lessons that I will never forget in my whole lifetime. They were there every single time i needed somebody to go to. So I will pass that kindness on yo many people, the laughter and happiness that they gave me I will give to someone else.

  17. The person who is my influence on life is my dad. The reason why it is my dad is because my dad is a farmer. I want to be a farmer when I grow up. I have a very smart dad and he knows what he’s doing .

  18. My parents are my inspiration because they help me with everything in life. Any problems they fix them for me. They are my everything and i’m their everything. They are my inspiration because they are helpful, brave, courageous, thoughtful. Also, they are my parents and they are really fun to play with and enjoy my time with because they are my parents and I’m their child that wants them to be my inspiration. I want to be just like them because I love them and they are very kind to me.

  19. The most inspiring person in my life is my aunt Darla.She encourages me to go to church and she is a wonderful cook .Also she taught me what is right and what is wrong .What ever i chose to do in my future she will be alright with (my career).Also she is my favorite Aunt ,i know you shouldn’t have a favorite aunt but i do .Also she lets me stay over at her house when ever i want to .

  20. The most inspirational people in my life (I can’ t pick one) are my sister and my parents, because they are really helpful and fun.

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