Miss Gentile's Third Grade Blog

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May 11, 2014


I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend!

Reading/Writing: We spent last week reviewing for our final writing sample as well as working with the Reading Street story and skill. Students read the main selection Jalapeno Bagels and focused on the skills of drawing conclusions and summarizing. The writing sample was Thursday and the students wrote to an opinion prompt. Those will be scored and sent home by the end of the month.

Math: Students worked on two digit by one digit multiplication and they did a wonderful job! They were quick to pick up on the necessary steps and I was so proud of them. Some students felt comfortable enough to try three digit by one digit which was great! There are still a few students who are struggling with basic facts and practice each night would be beneficial.

Social Studies: We looked at our Constitution last week. Students learned why we have a constitution and the different parts within it. This week we will be taking a break from government to go over Map Essential skills as well as work with our sixth grade buddies for our culture project.

Odds & Ends:

Our field trip to North Museum will be Friday, May 16th! A page will be sent home this week with information for the day. All chaperones please arrive to school no later than 8:50!

May 21 will be an early dismissal.

May 22 is our Culture Day event!

Field Day will be held on May 30th.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Thank you,

Miss Gentile


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